In an effort to supply all of our “friends” the best product possible, Murray’s would like to announce a change to the SS SKS Firing Pins.
The forward tip of the original Russian FP is rounded, (has a full radius on the tip) [as do all center-fire firearms that we know of] and the later Russian, Chinese, Romanian, Yugoslavian, and Albanians have varying degrees of a “flat tip.” Why these design changes were made is anybody’s guess, but through our testing we’ve determined that round is better. The “flat tip” and Russian ammo just don’t mix! Misfires and pierced primer incidents are common. With the original FP you’ll end up with a tiny piece of the primer lodged inside the FP hole that generally prevents the rifle from firing. Remove that obstruction and your back up and running. With Murray’s kit, a pierced primer will ruin the spring. But, the newly designed Murray’s round tip FP has cured all that!
You can now use “Any and All” ammo in your SKS with more safety and confidence!
Therefore, Murray’s would like to announce that all FP’s now have the full radius tip. The last 100+ customers that ordered kits already have the new design. AND, if you have the “flat tipped” earlier FP we supplied, send it to us and we’ll update and return, at no charge. We’ll change the tip to the round style and check for proper FP protrusion while we have it. We’ll also return it with a new spring.
(Send firing pin only!)
NOTE: If you send through USPS spend the extra 13 cents and mark the envelope “NONMACHINABLE.” Those postal machines will eat up your envelope and FP. (be sure and include a return address!)
If Murray’s installed a kit in your bolt, send us your bolt and we’ll update at no charge, but we request $2.00 for additional return shipping costs.
Also, beginning tomorrow, 2-10-06, all kits shipped will have FP’s that have been stamped: made in
This was not done for compliance parts reasons, just proud to be an American, PLUS, when your FP is installed correctly, the “made in USA” is visible through cutout in top of bolt.
So check your Murray’s FP’s and be sure you have the latest and best!