Author Topic: SKS trigger assembly problem  (Read 12420 times)

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  • SKS Newbie
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SKS trigger assembly problem
« on: February 12, 2006, 12:19:19 AM »
Hi all, thanks for providing such an informative forum!  I'm new to the SKS and rifles in general.  I bought a Yugo SKS and have completely stripped and cleaned the rifle.  Now I'm having trouble when I reassesmle.  I press the trigger assembly into the guides on the mag.  But when I press down (HARD) the spring compresses but the tang won't seat into the trigger assembly so it seats.

Any advice?


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SKS trigger assembly problem
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2006, 12:34:18 AM »
first is the safety on? if the safety is not on you will not get the Trigger Group to  latch into place. if you do it's going to break or bend something. the safety is on when the lever next to the trigger is in the up position. if this is the case and it still will not latch with a good smack with the heel of your hand then you may need to use a C-Clamp to get it to latch. remember to use a few rags between the clamp and any metal as so you wont scratch it.
4 SKS's
2 Norinco's both are all matching numbers
1 Yugo All matching Number's, unfired.
1 Alby NON mataching, had a broken bolt when I got it

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  • SKS Newbie
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SKS trigger assembly problem
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2006, 12:39:21 AM »
if the trigger assembly is a bastard to pull out you just got to give it hell
mine really tight to remove but if you got some hard floor with a rug or a towel on it and set every thing in and then give it hell should eventualley go if not push on it as hard as you can and take a screw driver and push the catch out of the way so it will lock

if that dosent work check around the area where the assembly goes and see what could be obstructing the assembly and remove it.

make sure the bolt and firing pin assembly are removed

the problem is prolly the top of the list but let me know if its still giving you trouble
if it wern't for rednecks we'd all be commies.


  • SKS Newbie
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SKS trigger assembly problem
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2006, 02:44:29 PM »
I tried to force it, but it still won't lock into place.  I'm going to refinish the stock ant then sand with some 000 steel wool.  Then I'll try the C-clamp.  It was a bitch to get out, so putting it back in will be hard.

Do I need to make sure the hammer is cocked?  I read somehwere that could be the problem.


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SKS trigger assembly problem
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2006, 04:07:02 PM »
yes the hammer should be back or cocked. or you can have the receiver cover off and the bolt out and that should do it. sometime with new or unissued SKS's they can be a real nightmare to get back together.
4 SKS's
2 Norinco's both are all matching numbers
1 Yugo All matching Number's, unfired.
1 Alby NON mataching, had a broken bolt when I got it

It's always good to work with proper villains
Oceans 11


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Re: SKS trigger assembly problem
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2021, 11:47:17 AM »
I never had too many problems getting the trigger group back into my SKS until recently. The last few times I have taken to hitting the back of the trigger guard very hard with a punch. It didn’t seem to damage anything but I don’t like hitting metal on metal that hard.

Saw on another site someone who recommended using a C clamp. I decided to use a carpentry clamp which has nice padding on either side. I barely had to squeeze it, and the trigger group popped right in. Easy peasy.


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Re: SKS trigger assembly problem
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2021, 03:45:33 PM »
2006 thread revived :)

Here's what I would do:
Take the action out of the stock.  Check that the Trigger Group can be installed without the stock. 
That clears any tolerance issues with the metal parts. 
Support the Cover pop your palm on the T.G.

NOTE THE Position of the safety lever.  A broken safety spring can prevent things from going together.

Only after checking it out without the stock, try it with the stock. 
Maybe you could find a small C-clamp that would fit where the cleaning kit goes for field takedown.   :roll:
Take a look at these two videos.
Well I guess my new **** stirrin paddle don't work . I got a like . WTF 😈

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