Well the weather was great yesterday, 70 f, no wind and light clouds. The range is only 25 miles away so I grabbed the range bag, the Green Zombie and hit the bricks. When I got to the range I saw a sight I had never seen before, 10 ranges, 9 vehicles and no one at My favorite one. Got set up and started shooting at the target 25 yds away. As the 6th round ejected the magazine dropped open dumping 4 rds on the bench. Snapped the mag closed reloaded and resumed firing, on the 4th rd the mag popped open again.
So I shot the rest of the session with a single shot, drop the mag load 1 rd by hand close the mag so the bolt would lock back, fire another round and repeat for the rest of the day.
What a PIA!
But the weather was great and had the range to Myself, so not all was lost.

The spring on the mag latch looks like its from a ballpoint pen.