My problem, the Speer #10 manual, the one I bought when I started reloading for my M29 S&W, showed 24.7 gr of W296 as maximum for the 240 gr Jacketed soft point AND the jacketed SWC. I worked up a load and settled on 24.4 gr.
When I was looking for powder, I noticed that Winchester said 24.0 gr was max for a 240 gr bullet. So I reloaded a batch with some of both bullets at 24.0 gr which I haven't fired any yet.
Then I dug up my Speer #12 manual and found that is says 24.0 gr of 296 is max for the 240 gr jacketed soft point, and to reduce by 1 gr for the 240 gr jacketed SWC.
So now I am concerned with my loads.
I think I need to chronograph both of them.