Author Topic: How to access the trigger mech with a Tapco Intrafuse stock?  (Read 10595 times)

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Sporting Lad

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How to access the trigger mech with a Tapco Intrafuse stock?
« on: September 03, 2013, 03:40:47 PM »
With the Tapco Intrafuse Stock installed, how do you access/depress the trigger mechanism latch in order to remove the trigger mech?  Is it necessary to remove the pistol grip first?
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Re: How to access the trigger mech with a Tapco Intrafuse stock?
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2013, 03:43:21 PM »
Is it necessary to remove the pistol grip first?
no, open the bottom of the pistol grip and use the cleaning rod or a long screwdriver to pop the group.


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Re: How to access the trigger mech with a Tapco Intrafuse stock?
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2013, 07:58:48 AM »
With the Tapco Intrafuse Stock installed, how do you access/depress the trigger mechanism latch in order to remove the trigger mech?  Is it necessary to remove the pistol grip first?

By taking the pistol grip off. Or you can modify it like I did and cut a notch in the top of it and it will allow access to the trigger group with a screw driver. Without cutting the notch in the top I could not see what in the heck I was doing.

Sporting Lad

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Re: How to access the trigger mech with a Tapco Intrafuse stock?
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2013, 11:05:12 AM »
Thx, guys!
Follow-up:  I went out and got that Tapco stock and installed it yesterday.
It's all good.   :thumbright:
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Re: How to access the trigger mech with a Tapco Intrafuse stock?
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2013, 06:12:53 PM »
Here are a couple of pics of how I modified the saw style grip.

Sporting Lad

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How to release access the trigger mech with a Tapco SAW grip?
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2013, 11:47:56 PM »
And a very timely reply it is you've posted, sir!
I just now was starting to install my ... TAPCO magazine...

I found I could access the release button thru the trap door in the SAW grip well enough, but I could not get it to release.
The trigger group would not release because the SAW grip is sitting on it and holding it down.  Is that TAPCO's design?  They expect us to remove that 3/8" SCREW every time we want to strip and clean the underside?  That can't be right.  That plastic stock will not stand having the screw taken out and replaced too many times before the hole is totally stripped.

I thought about trimming where the grip rests on the trigger housing, but it looks like having the (plastic) grip contacting the (steel) housing is helping to keep the grip from rocking side to side.  Once you trim it to allow the trigger housing to release, then it's just plastic on plastic, eh?

Did trimming those edges allow the trigger guard to swing thru its arc and release?  I suppose so, or you would've said that.

Did you use any adhesive on the grip/stock interface?  Maybe some epoxy AND the screw could make it a more robust connection?

Maybe just that bit of dremelling is all that's necessary.

An alternative solution might be to fix a nut to the inside of the stock and replace the 3/8" screw with a 3/8" BOLT.
But we shouldn't have to do that.  TAPCO should've done all this for us before they sold us the stocks.
Screws and plastic rarely form long-term relationships.   :roll:

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Re: How to access the trigger mech with a Tapco Intrafuse stock?
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2013, 06:48:49 AM »

As stated previously they require you to remove the screw from the grip every time you go to break the rifle down which is a flaw in the design if you ask me. Yes, it will allow it to swing the full arc and be removed with no hassle. Just pop the screw driver in through the bottom of the grip, pop the trigger group and lift out. There is no grip wobble mine feels very stout. In fact it feels no different than it did when the full grip was there. No epoxy was used or anything just the screw and it's plenty tight. I got this idea from truly tactical.

Sporting Lad

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Re: How to access the trigger mech with a Tapco Intrafuse stock?
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2013, 12:12:42 PM »
OK.  Thx for that.  I'll get out my dremel tool today and see what kind of damage I can do.  I'll be doing the magazine as well.  Stay tuned.   :-s
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Re: How to access the trigger mech with a Tapco Intrafuse stock?
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2013, 01:10:19 PM »
I'll be doing the magazine as well.
WAIT!  Doing WHAT to the magazine???

Sporting Lad

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Re: How to access the trigger mech with a Tapco Intrafuse stock?
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2013, 02:50:52 PM »
Well, last night, after I unscrewed the grip, removed the trigger group, removed the factory mag and reinstalled the TG,
I attempted to fit one of the TAPCO 20/5 mags (just to give the rifle a more 'balanced' look).  It went in fine until the final
bit, then stopped cold.  It looks to me as tho the rear portion of the lips on both sides are (~3/8") too long.  That's preventing the mag from seating atop the mag release catch.

Here's a thread from...another Forum... addressing this issue.  Scroll down to post #9 to see the pic of this mod.
Note that this guy was doing it to allow him to use stripper clips, but in my case it seems like I need to do the same thing just to get the mag to fit (?).  You can see two mags, the upper one dremelled, the other standard.
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Re: How to access the trigger mech with a Tapco Intrafuse stock?
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2013, 08:19:23 AM »
Judas Priest, TAPCO mags fit the Tapco stock with NO mods.  You probably need to do the drop free mod.  Is the bolt open when you are inserting mags?

Sporting Lad

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Re: How to access the trigger mech with a Tapco Intrafuse stock?
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2013, 06:12:20 PM »
Ah, good--I see that you're an "SKS Expert".  That's just what I need about now.  Or maybe an "SKS Gunsmith".
It's not a matter of the TAPCO mag fitting the TAPCO stock, it's about the TAPCO mag not fitting into the SKS receiver.
How would a drop free mod help insert the mag, if my bolt is open?
It's hitting something about 1/2" away from being seated.  Yes, the bolt is open and the trigger group is installed.

The stock mag measures 23.50 mm at its widest (the rear).  By the time it gets to where the cartridge necks down, the
factory mag is down to 21.30 mm, and at the bullet's tip it's just 13.70.  So the factory mag is tapered back to front.
The TAPCO mag, on the other hand, measures correspondingly 24.21, 24.15, and 16.0 mm.
So the TAPCO is wider.  But is it too wide?  I'm not sure.  It certainly feels like it is.
Unfortunately I don't have a calipers to measure the inside width of the SKS mag well, but it's got to be less
than TAPCO's 24.21 mm and a bit greater than the factory mag's 23.5 mm.

I'm still hoping there is something I'm overlooking here (like opening the bolt) but so far the plastic mag is just not
clicking into place.

This thread has morphed from the trigger/grip issue to the receiver/mag issue.  I should start a new "mag" thread so we can cast a wider net and call upon our best and brightest experts.   :mrgreen:

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Re: How to access the trigger mech with a Tapco Intrafuse stock?
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2013, 11:41:07 PM »
Got pics of the receiver/trigger trying to install mag?  A little sanding to the mag ?

Sporting Lad

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Re: How to access the trigger mech with a Tapco Intrafuse stock?
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2013, 02:55:45 AM »
"A little sanding"?  Ja, maybe with a belt sander!   :laughing6:  (just kidding)

IDK, I hate to have to sand that much area on both sides of the mag. 
The difference in width between the factory mag and the Tapco is about 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 mm (total).
Split that and I need to sand just ~1 mm on each side.
That's certainly sandable.  It ought to be required only on the top ~ 12 mm (1/2") of the mag's
sides.  I could do that, but I'd want to be sure before I went ahead and did any serious reshaping.

The tolerances are so tight in there and it's hard to see, so I can't get a good pic.

It seems to me that the factory mag well is narrower than the Tapco mag, or the Tapco mag is too
wide to be accepted by the factory mag well.  It's hard to see exactly what's going on in there. 
Maybe there is something else that's preventing the two from mating.

I'm starting a new thread for the magazine fitting topic, so look for me on "Fitting the Tapco magazine" real soon...
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Re: How to access the trigger mech with a Tapco Intrafuse stock?
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2013, 06:39:06 AM »
The hole or trimming down I did on the pistol grip is about 1.1 inches down and the hole measures about 1 inch across.