Ah, good--I see that you're an "SKS Expert". That's just what I need about now. Or maybe an "
SKS Gunsmith".
It's not a matter of the TAPCO mag fitting the TAPCO stock, it's about the TAPCO mag not fitting into the SKS receiver.
How would a drop free mod help insert the mag, if my bolt is open?
It's hitting something about 1/2" away from being seated. Yes, the bolt is open and the trigger group is installed.
The stock mag measures 23.50 mm at its widest (the rear). By the time it gets to where the cartridge necks down, the
factory mag is down to 21.30 mm, and at the bullet's tip it's just 13.70. So the factory mag is tapered back to front.
The TAPCO mag, on the other hand, measures correspondingly 24.21, 24.15, and 16.0 mm.
So the TAPCO is wider. But is it too wide? I'm not sure. It certainly feels like it is.
Unfortunately I don't have a calipers to measure the inside width of the SKS mag well, but it's got to be less
than TAPCO's 24.21 mm and a bit greater than the factory mag's 23.5 mm.
I'm still hoping there is something I'm overlooking here (like opening the bolt) but so far the plastic mag is just not
clicking into place.
This thread has morphed from the trigger/grip issue to the receiver/mag issue. I should start a new "mag" thread so we can cast a wider net and call upon our best and brightest experts.