I went to the range this evening.

I was in a hurry as it was getting dark fast, and I grabbed the shooting table, but forgot the bench rest that the guns sits on.

oh well, I went anyhow.
At first, I wanted to get a feel fort he new T6 stock, and relearn when my sight picture lines up, because I have to get used to looking at the front sight through the center of the picatinney rail that is on the gas tube.
This is my target after shooting from a 1/2 way decent rest at 50 yards:

First two shots are the two on the left. I had to lengthen the position on the T6, and I had to adjust my seating position. Then I shot again, and I was shooting way low, but 1-2" either side of center. I walked the sights up until I was hitting 1-2" of the bullseye in all directions, with a good bullseye on the last shot.

Next, I installed my el-cheapo "Tactical" optical sight. I don't have a scoutscopes.com mount yet, so I didn't put too much into this one, as I know that the gas tube rail is not really steady for a sight mount. I setup off-hand at 25 yards. No rest at all:

At first, it was so low and to the left that it was not even hitting the paper. I adjusted the sight to the right, and it shot the dirt right in front of the target. That is why the entire thing is splattered looking. After an adjustment up, I was on the paper, near the bottom. Another adjustment up, and I was mid way to center. One more, and I shot the groups that is to the top and left of the bullseye. I was actually impressed with the sight, seeing how I only paid $20 for it new at Cabelas.
Next time, I'll bring the rifle rest, and the bean bags, and more daylight. I believe that I can get a full clip within 1" of the bullseye at 50 yards with the iron sights, and maybe even the same with the optical sight.
As for the stock fit and function, it is great. I need to clean up the spot where I filed underneath the trigger assembly a bit so that it clips in place without having to work the safety back and forth. But it feels good to shoot, it feels comfortable to hold and it really worked well. I don't believe that it changed the accuracy of my SKS at all, and since it fits me better now, I'll be more accurate shooting it.
Thanks for all of the help everyone.