Author Topic: How are Tapco Mags in a Bushmaster AR-15?  (Read 16986 times)

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Re: How are Tapco Mags in a Bushmaster AR-15?
« Reply #45 on: August 08, 2014, 01:06:46 PM »
I have run into range workers not allowing steel case ammo because "all steel cased ammo has steel core bullets" mentality. But then again another time at this range I was also told that the aluminum Blazer rounds were not allowed either. I think it was more like someone was too lazy to sort the spent casings for resale.

JKALE, Do you know when your Carbon-15 was manufactured? The current Carbon-15 now has an aluminum upper.  I have one of the older ones that had the poly upper and lower - I gave the upper to my son recently for the lower he built and I have a PSA upper on the Bushmaster poly lower. I didn't have any problems when they were together (except for poly mags which is still an issue) with about 5K rounds of mostly reloads through it.

I am not exactly sure when my Carbon-15 was manufactured. It was purchased less than a year ago at a large South Florida gun store so it is probably the most recent model or close to it. Did yours come with the cheap red dot optics? I have not heard from anyone that kept that intact for more then a week or so after their rifle purchase.


  • SKS Sniper
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Re: How are Tapco Mags in a Bushmaster AR-15?
« Reply #46 on: August 08, 2014, 01:37:45 PM »
I have run into range workers not allowing steel case ammo because "all steel cased ammo has steel core bullets" mentality. But then again another time at this range I was also told that the aluminum Blazer rounds were not allowed either. I think it was more like someone was too lazy to sort the spent casings for resale.

JKALE, Do you know when your Carbon-15 was manufactured? The current Carbon-15 now has an aluminum upper.  I have one of the older ones that had the poly upper and lower - I gave the upper to my son recently for the lower he built and I have a PSA upper on the Bushmaster poly lower. I didn't have any problems when they were together (except for poly mags which is still an issue) with about 5K rounds of mostly reloads through it.

I am not exactly sure when my Carbon-15 was manufactured. It was purchased less than a year ago at a large South Florida gun store so it is probably the most recent model or close to it. Did yours come with the cheap red dot optics? I have not heard from anyone that kept that intact for more then a week or so after their rifle purchase.

I have had the C-15 for about 2 years. Yes, mine came with the optics.  They now reside on my Tippman 98 paint ball gun. I never bothered to install the provided optics on the C-15 and I used a Center Point 3-9x40 Adventure scope.

NE Atlanta


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Re: How are Tapco Mags in a Bushmaster AR-15?
« Reply #47 on: August 09, 2014, 12:06:49 AM »
Just some of the reasons I don't shoot at ranges. I know the local indoor range here doesn't allow Tulammo, but I'm not sure if they "think'' that they mean all steel cased by saying that, as they sell range brass so might not want to have to sort it.

I've had more problems with Winchester White Box ammo than I have with Tulammo, in x39, .223 and 9mm. I reload the steel .223 as they have boxer primers. The bullets on the factory Tulammo are bimetallic which is a thin layer of copper plated over a steel jacket, but they have a lead core not steel. Just another case of people who really never bother to find out the facts. The steel jacket can however damage some type of backstops.


  • SKS Gunsmith
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Re: How are Tapco Mags in a Bushmaster AR-15?
« Reply #48 on: August 09, 2014, 05:06:37 PM »
Just some of the reasons I don't shoot at ranges. I know the local indoor range here doesn't allow Tulammo, but I'm not sure if they "think'' that they mean all steel cased by saying that, as they sell range brass so might not want to have to sort it.

I've had more problems with Winchester White Box ammo than I have with Tulammo, in x39, .223 and 9mm. I reload the steel .223 as they have boxer primers. The bullets on the factory Tulammo are bimetallic which is a thin layer of copper plated over a steel jacket, but they have a lead core not steel. Just another case of people who really never bother to find out the facts. The steel jacket can however damage some type of backstops.
Wow it is interesting that Tula has a lead core and they are so forbidden on my range. At one time anything that stuck to a magnet was not allowed but the new owner is more open minded and willing to cut a bullet in half to verify if he is not familiar with the brand. I should bring him a single Tula and have him check it out


  • SKS Gunsmith
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Re: How are Tapco Mags in a Bushmaster AR-15?
« Reply #49 on: August 14, 2014, 09:48:41 PM »
Well today I tested my Bushmaster again with a Tapco magazine and Remington UMC .223 ammo. Lower end ammo I know but different. It functioned perfectly! rifle only works with Tapco magazines and certain ammo, but at least I got a combo I can work with. I ran my Wolf Gold and M193 ammo from Malaysia through non Tapco magazines again with no problem. 


  • SKS Gunsmith
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Re: How are Tapco Mags in a Bushmaster AR-15?
« Reply #50 on: August 14, 2014, 11:36:09 PM »
Just some of the reasons I don't shoot at ranges. I know the local indoor range here doesn't allow Tulammo, but I'm not sure if they "think'' that they mean all steel cased by saying that, as they sell range brass so might not want to have to sort it.

I've had more problems with Winchester White Box ammo than I have with Tulammo, in x39, .223 and 9mm. I reload the steel .223 as they have boxer primers. The bullets on the factory Tulammo are bimetallic which is a thin layer of copper plated over a steel jacket, but they have a lead core not steel. Just another case of people who really never bother to find out the facts. The steel jacket can however damage some type of backstops.
Wow it is interesting that Tula has a lead core and they are so forbidden on my range. At one time anything that stuck to a magnet was not allowed but the new owner is more open minded and willing to cut a bullet in half to verify if he is not familiar with the brand. I should bring him a single Tula and have him check it out

It's the steel jacket that can tear up some of the backstops, depending on what style they use.