hello all, I've decided to reload for my mosin to make some custom loads and since I've already started casting and reloading for 7.62x39, i have everything except the cases.
i'm looking for sites that sell once fired 7.62x54r cases with no preference to brass, steel, berdan, or boxer primed. if i can't find any, i'll probably just buy a spam can and use those, but i'd like to maybe save a little money and find someone who's already fired their surplus ammo and is willing to sell the cases. my range doesn't let you pick up your brass, so that is why i don't have any of my own fired brass. (they claim it's for safety reasons to keep people from picking up and reloading damaged brass, but i call B.S. on that)
also, before anyone mentions that they're berdan primed or that steel can't be reloaded, i plan on swagging the pockets and converting them to boxer primed and have reloaded steel cased 7.62x39 with no ill effects to my dies.