Author Topic: Norinco SKS/Tapco mods  (Read 6026 times)

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Norinco SKS/Tapco mods
« on: January 02, 2015, 02:33:41 PM »
Recently mounted my SKS in the Tapco Intrafuse T6 stock. No problem. Currently doing some milling of the stock to accept Tech-Sights TS200 peep sight, no real problem. I am having a problem with the Tapco 20 round mag. As long as I don't manually operate the bolt hold open latch it runs fine until the last round is fired and the bolt does not hold open. The mag is pinching the bolt hold open latch preventing the free movement of the latch. In fact if I reach in and lift the latch to hold the bolt open prior to inserting he mag, the latch is pinched into the up position preventing the bolt from closing. I'm thinking about filing some material off the offending area of the mag but am wondering why I am having this problem. Any ideas?
« Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 08:11:39 PM by Redneckhippie »


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Re: Norinco SKS/Tapco mods
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2015, 05:14:46 PM »
Took care of the mag issue today. I filed a small amount of the rear spine of the mag that was making contact with the bolt hold open latch. That freed the latch up to move down under spring tension and up when the mag follower strikes the bottom of the latch. Works great now. Gotta get to the range now and zero in my peep sight.


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Re: Norinco SKS/Tapco mods
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2015, 05:42:03 PM »
FIRST, make sure the mag isn't being forced rearward by the "taper" of the stock mag well. You should be able to put a business card easily on both sides at the same time. If it is binding there, open it a pinch. That will allow the mag to move forward. You should actually move the mag forward a pinch to free up the BHO. If The mag catch is what slides back/forth on the FCG that latches on the back of the mag (mag-catch).

If it isn't binding there, file the front "V" (of the mag) where the mag 'locks' under the trunnion (that's the short tab on the bottom of the rear site). That will let the mag slide forward an RCH and free the BHO to easily work. We are talking thousandths of an inch here, not even hundredths. Proceed cautiously.

There is but one language and that is the English language. Teddy R., 1907
Duck-bill-less mag adapters for the SKS are located at


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Re: Norinco SKS/Tapco mods
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2015, 04:06:43 PM »
Anyone have problems with Tapco 20 round mag feeding into stock SKS?
I purchased two from Academy, both had problems.
One wouldn't release the round, it would get stuck at an angle as if it wanted to go into battery but couldn't make it.
The other magazine spring would get stuck and not push the rounds up.
I returned them to Academy, which they have a good return policy.
While returning them, the counter person was telling me he had some issues with his AK mags and took some sandpaper to the tabs and it worked.
I'm thinking of getting the steel versions.


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Re: Norinco SKS/Tapco mods
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2015, 04:11:59 PM »
Stick with the Tapcos. They won't fit in my original stock at all but will fit just fine in an aftermarket polymer stock. You can either open up the original mag well a little on each side to allow better fitment or get an aftermarket stock. If you don't want to alter the original stock you can buy a 2nd hand one and do the work on that.

My Tapcos and Promag had the same problem as the OP, I just filed away the spine a little and it allowed the BHO to move freely and work as intended. No other fitment issues.
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Re: Norinco SKS/Tapco mods
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2015, 04:12:29 PM »
I got mine from Academy ($12.99!) and no issues! T-6 or original wood stock. I did have to sand the wood stock mag well a bit.


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Re: Norinco SKS/Tapco mods
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2015, 04:49:52 PM »
Thanks, I may try another Tapco.


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Re: Norinco SKS/Tapco mods
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2015, 04:06:28 PM »
Why not just do a drop free bolt mod and remove the bho?
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