Author Topic: This got out of hand real quick!  (Read 1420 times)

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This got out of hand real quick!
« on: January 22, 2022, 10:10:16 AM »
Found a lee pro 1000 setup for 9mm and a bit of extras for 200 bucks.  308 complete die set, 100 rounds 115gr xtp, 200 unfired brass, 109 small pistol primers, 1lb pistol powder, 1lb of blc2, and scale. 

Decided to get a single stage because 308 win is what I want to reload and rather than changing the progressive press, it seemed easier to me to use a single stage for rifle.  So, a lot of local shopping, bought rcbs partner, bullet puller with different collets, case prep reamer multi tool, powder funnel, calipers, 250 115gr bullets.  Locally I have only found Cabellas (very limited supply), sportsmans (best prices), and a handful of gun shops that again had limited hardware. 

I put an ad out for what I am looking for, 7.62x39 die set and components,  308 copper bullets, primers, books, rcbs #16 shell holder (9mm single stage)
I will eventually start to reload all my 357/38 too.  I have kept a ton of  brass throughout these years.  There is an add for 7x57 die set and components for 100 bucks.  I guess I will have to order online.

Now was definitely a bad time to get into it though as primers so scarce I am considering reloading already loaded cartridges with what bullets I want to use. 

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Re: This got out of hand real quick!
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2022, 11:19:34 AM »
"Now was definitely a bad time to get into it"

 Yeah, I agree, I'll give you $250 for all that stuff and you can wait for a better time!  :?  :banghead:
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Re: This got out of hand real quick!
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2022, 01:27:42 PM »
Congrats on the equipment purchase.

Primers can be had but you have to wait and then be quick when they are available. Go to and look for reloading button. From there you can find the alert when in stock stuff. I’ve got a couple thousand primers that way. Same with other sites. Get on their- notify me when - items are back in stock.

Bullets and powder can be had from various shooter supply sites.

Good luck and have fun! B safe!
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