Managed to get one practice session in before we made the Feb F-Class Match on the 18th.
Match day was the coldest we have ever shot. Left the house @ 31F, started shooting @ 36F.
But, we had LAYERS on

Still not up to par on our scores, but like any range trip, we had fun. Haven't seen the scores yet but I can GUARANTEE we were in the top 10
(and yes Flo beat me again).
Cold wind ate our lunch on windage, but I also had over an MOA in vertical.
We've been trying to fine tune a load with SB6.5 and Berger 85.5s and my dope has increased by about 0.2 MILS, up to 3.3 mils @ 600, since warmer range days. Cold weather has dropped the 600yd velocity (ShotMarker) by about 20-30fps on the 45F trip, and another 10 to 20fps @ 36F. Did have some headwind (12-2 O'clock).
Dope from the JBM calculator shows about 0.1 MIL from the air, and another 0.1 mil from the velocity drop.
Avg across the target was about 1940fps.
Gas was $2.97 so we filled up on the way home.