Author Topic: New to Reloading-questions about Unique powder  (Read 1470 times)

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New to Reloading-questions about Unique powder
« on: February 08, 2023, 12:04:32 PM »
After years of wanting to get into reloading I finally took the plunge and got a Dillion XL 750. I’m reading the 51edition Lyman reloading manual. After digging through the manual I found that Varget for rifles and Unique for pistols seem to be two of the most versatile powders for different calibers I also noticed that H335 and H110 are very versatile as well. Between all of these powders I will be able to load every pistol and rifles centerfire cartridges I own. The problem is I can’t find Unique in stock. Anyplace that does have it in stock seems to be scam sites. Is this a unicorn powder? I know you can use similar powders( I don’t know what they are and am curious). I really don’t want to go off scrip when it comes to loading manual as I have never reloaded before.
So far I have been able to get the following powders:
H110 1 pound
H335 2 pounds
Varget 2 pounds
Power Pistol 1 pound

I plan on loading

9mm probably the one caliber I load the most of
38/357. Though planning on loading 38 special at first and shoot out of a .357 for safety

Is there a good all around powder for these comparable to unique?


And bare with me I'm basically a Zygote when it comes to reloading and really don’t want to go Kaboom!
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Re: New to Reloading-questions about Unique powder
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2023, 12:42:07 PM »
I like CFE Pistol for the smaller cartridges.
H110 or 4227 for the 44
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Re: New to Reloading-questions about Unique powder
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2023, 03:04:25 PM »
If your Dillon 750 has a auto powder feed like my 550, Unique is the last powder you want to run threw it. I have a 5 lb can of it only to find out like so many others on the net that the dillon will through nearly the better part of a grain difference in a charge. Iv gone over every aspect of its abilities along with the dryer rag wipe out and nothing will cure it. Guys have been told by dillon, to swap out the unique for something else. I bought a few 1 lb cans of W231 and most of the fickleness in charge consistency is gone. I'm not crazy about the dillon powder feeder because of this. I may try some one else's at some point. The very light flakes of Unique is just not auto feeder friendly in my New unit. I wish I could say its just my set up but there are enough guys on the net with the sane problems. If anyone here has a auto feeder that can keep Unique inside .2 of charge consistency, please do tell!

  Oh, I bought the Unique primarily for 45, 357 & 9mm also.
Ball powders have all ways been the best powders for an auto powder feeder. I should have stuck to that old rule of thumb.
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Re: New to Reloading-questions about Unique powder
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2023, 03:43:38 PM »
“ Ball powders have all ways been the best powders for an auto powder feeder. I should have stuck to that old rule of thumb.”. I never heard that but like I said I’m A zygote at this point. I really appreciate information. I know I probably should have gotten a simpler press like a Lee Turret press. But I knew I wanted to get a progressive press so I figured but once cry once. I just hope I did not get too complex. I’m really nervous about grenading something most importantly me.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2023, 10:41:18 AM by Darts2116 »
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Re: New to Reloading-questions about Unique powder
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2023, 10:27:10 PM »
Unique is a tough powder to find. Natchez shooters supply has it in stock but it’s $50 a pound before hazmat fee and shipping. Cfe pistol has been available for my part of the woods.

You can weigh each individual load for accuracy but that will slow your thoroughbred press. I would find another powder that meters well in your press. I use power pistol and Winchester WSF for 9mm. There are many recipes out there. My Lee book has lots of different data and I have a Hornady manual as well. Also a hodgdon manual. Hodgedon also has a good web site for load data.
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Re: New to Reloading-questions about Unique powder
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2023, 02:36:28 PM »
I am fortunate to currently have a good supply of Unique, but I use a single stage press. When I could not get it, I found that Win231 was also quite versatile for my needs.
My pistol calibers: .38 special, 9mm, 9x18 Makarov, .45 ACP, 7.62x25 Tokarev.


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Re: New to Reloading-questions about Unique powder
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2023, 07:15:19 PM »
How is it finding components for 7.62 Tokarev I’ve always liked that round?
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Re: New to Reloading-questions about Unique powder
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2023, 08:20:51 AM »
I am using Unique for 40S&W, 38spl+P and love it, but i load on a turret press and weigh each load on a RCBS Charge Master.
That would slow you way down.
By the very expert opinions above, find a ball powder!
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Re: New to Reloading-questions about Unique powder
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2023, 01:25:15 PM »
How is it finding components for 7.62 Tokarev I’ve always liked that round?

Starline brass, 110 grain .30 caliber FMJ bullets, SPPs, and the appropriate powder has not been difficult to source. I also have some PPU and S&B brass from factory ammo that has held up nicely.
Have not been able to find 86 grain FMJs reasonably priced, but they can be difficult to seat because they are so short. The 110s are easy to seat and always go in straight. The heavier bullet means you have to reduce the charge shown in most manuals for the 86 grain bullets. Start low and work up slowly until you find the best charge for your gun.
I do not have a chronograph, but estimate my loads are about 1150 FPS based on GRT calculations.

Groovy Mike

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Re: New to Reloading-questions about Unique powder
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2023, 01:50:18 PM »
I find the Red Dot powder can be used everywhere that I use Unique.  I've used Red Dot in 9mm, 12 gauge, and for reduced loads in rifle cartridges including 308, 303British, and 375 H&H magnum.
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