If its working there like it does here, FEMA and DHS takes over in disasters and all local govt assets are subject to their orders and strategy, and they definitely have a 'greater good' philosophy in allocating rescue assets. They have annual training drills where all local FD and PDS are supposed to coordinate for simulated disasters. I do understand the need for coordination and exclusions so you don't get some yahoo with a grill, cooler and water jugs loaded up in his 4x4 get hung up and stranded trying to cross a washout road etc.
But federalizing disasters is not really that effective after seeing how they have handled flooding and fires just in this state the last couple years, despite all coordinating the response becomes slow waiting for go aheads from a central command. Being small communities most of us know several VFD, sheriff deputies and dispatchers etc because they are neighbors. Thankfully state and especially local organized response is relatively effective, but as soon as FEMA shows up and takes over, I have been complained to response is often reduced, anything not directly controlled by them is halted, even things like drone flights by emergency services is stopped much less civilian activity, conflicts come about with resources even with the redcross trying to help fire victims. Yet I only hear it from people involved, even our local reporters only say fluffy things about their presence when they show up, but 1st hand reports of both civilian and responders are not so rosy. In places they are not reaching as a practice they prohibit private response, that's a significant problem, often ignored for necessity which ends in conflicts and legal threats like we hear happening.