Every time I ran disaster relief FEMA has been an absolute joke. Kroger, sprint, and Verizon did way more for NO than the government did.
For Katrina, National Guard flew C130s over the house for a whole day in to the airport in Kenner, then a whole day out. Must have been at least 20 or more.
They bunked troops @ NASA's Michoud Assembly Facility, called it Fort Michoud

Must have been a couple hundred Humvees in the area.
Set up a couple distribution sites on the north shore giving out Food (MREs) water and ice and cleaning supplies.
I wonder about the MREs we have upstairs in the SHTF room

Being in a hurricane area we normally have at least a month of supplies in each of the three houses on the compound, a pressure well, and filled vehicles and jerry cans of gas. Local gov had hardened storage for supplies in our area.
Doesn't sound like locals in this event heeded the warnings. I watched the projections ( which were pretty accurate) and saw a catastrophe building up. Why didn't locals? Granted it WIPED OUT some areas but some just didn't seem to be watching the news. Category 1 and 2 inland, 20"+ rain projected all the way up to the Smokies.
I don't think you would want to be close to rivers, steams, or in a valley. Have a plan for floods, fires, earthquakes that is some distance from questionable locations. Some didn't have a chance, whole house floated downstream, but for those trapped on high ground without food or water or gasoline, what gives?
Hopefully LG is on high ground with supplies waiting for cell service and electricity.
We know he had enough ammo. Hope he is OK and just waiting to tell his story.
Probably many members are waiting for comms and power,
Prayers to all our friends on the forum.
A comical story about the helicopter guy that would have taken 3 trips to get an old couple out.