Author Topic: I?m Back?..WNC  (Read 1045 times)

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Scott L

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I?m Back?..WNC
« on: October 07, 2024, 01:01:55 PM »
Hello All,
It?s be a touch over a 1.5 year since I have been able to get logged into my account here. For some reason I would not receive the emails for a password recovery. In addition to that I made contact to someone that was listed in the help area of the forum but I never got a response back from them, so I also made a post asking for help on the FB Group Page, that I think got deleted.
Finally I ran across an old post on the FB Page where Eric had assisted others that had the same issues on not receiving the recovery emails. The forum really needs a way for members that maybe have problems to establish contact for help getting back into their accounts. I love this place and the helpful folks here. I have made a few small donations to assist with the community needs and plan to do so again now that I?m finally back home.  :)

Thank You Eric, I Appreciate You Brother!!!

Still trying to dig out of this mess here in Western NC, hopefully finding a little normalcy in life?.but I?m still very Blessed compared to many folks in my community! However I did deplete over half of my supplies I had stashed away.
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Re: I?m Back?..WNC
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2024, 09:01:34 PM »
Hi Scott, glad you made it back to the Boards. Sorry to hear you are in the thick of it in NC,
I've been hearing all sorts of unthinkable tragedies and hardships in your area.
Glad that you had the forethought to be prepared for emergencies.
Hope you fare well with what you have, it's probably more than many wish they had.
When the SHTF you better already have it at hand, because it won't be on the shelves when you get to the Wal-Mart land.


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Re: I?m Back?..WNC
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2024, 10:46:00 PM »
Its me who you email per the help section post, unfortunately sometimes a lot ends up in my spam trap I don't catch.

But I just noticed I have the Facebook link to a dormant duplicate Facebook group which is useless.   So my fault for not getting you back in sooner, sorry.
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Re: I?m Back?..WNC
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2024, 06:17:59 PM »
Good to see you back, and very glad to hear you and your family are doing okay.

Scott L

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Re: I?m Back?..WNC
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2024, 09:01:27 PM »
Thanks Guys it?s good to be had?..

One thing I learned from this storm that came through Western NC. A person/family goes through way more water in their day today living than what you realize. I had 300 gals of distilled water stashed back as I?ve have read that is easily saved for 10-15 yrs. Once you start using it for cooking, dishes, toilets, bathing, etc, etc it disappears very quickly. On day 3 of no power and no well water, I loaded down the side by side and made a run for the creek, I was able to tote back around 75 gallons as I have several 15 gallon buckets that I?ve saved. I figured at least I could use the creek water to flush the toilets. Let?s just say that the women of the family go through water more quickly than they do toilet paper. 🤔 I can?t imagine what a long term power outage would look like in today?s society. We live in a very rural area, almost like a hermit, I may have 8-10 neighbors in a 5 mile radius that we really don?t know after living here 25 plus years. I certainly need to get to know them better as part of my future preparedness?
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent........
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Re: I?m Back?..WNC
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2024, 07:33:34 AM »
Yeah, knowing neighbors is helpful most times, we have a few neighbors, 4 within a mile, unfortunately most I would not count on to be helpful in any but the most dire circumstance and if they were as desperate you would not hear from them, or worse they come for help from you when you not able to meet needs. But we are all pretty self sufficient and self contained, though its interesting we were one of the 1st to have a generator despite having tornadoes come through year before we ever moved here.

Anyway, yes water consumption for bathing and toilet ends up being more than for food and drink.  Water source is crucial, stored water is a precious commodity not be used but for most pressing neccesity.  We have a well, and have went without power for a few days at times, and even if rare that is a PITA, but then I have cattle watering from the well too.  When our power goes out that is the most pressing issue, getting the well back to running. Amazing how much fuel you go through keeping a genny going for days.  We try to keep 100 gals of gas on hand for it.  Been toying with a diesel gen, but that may be problematical in the cold temps.  Though I can only think of one time in 30 years we had the power out for more than a few hours when it was really cold, most times it's summer and spring from tornadoes or wind damage effecting the grid. 
Either way I am addicted to lights, heat/ cool and internet and try to keep that indulged as much as possible. :)

Most of us do seem to come together to get snow blocked roads open in our respective areas, since we all have cattle on pastures away from the house.

Bottom line is be self sufficient, don't be a burden, nor a source of convenience for others, because people will take advantage no matter how nice they are when times are easy.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2024, 07:43:35 AM by Onepoint »
Experience is the hardest kind of teacher, it gives the test 1st and the lesson after.

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Re: I?m Back?..WNC
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2024, 01:29:14 PM »
Hey yall. hey Eric. I am in WNC also. Did not fare so good. Broken dam, bridge wash away.... But the house did not receive any significant damage. No power for 10 days. I had prepared. Living near the gulf coast and south east cost instills a different type prepping for me. Glad I had stocked up on small bottles of propane for cooking and coffee/tea.
FEMA comes out the 22nd to inspect and finish the claim. Thank goodness for FEMA they have been great in WNC helping thousandfs and thousands of people. Lots of supplies have come in here and that has been a great help. Could not get out for 4 days. Got my little suzuki atv in the woods and ford the creek to drive the 4 miles to my little town. Left a not on the wrecker office door. They came out with the articulating bed wrecker and it stretched across the washed out bridge with sone boards was able to get one car across. S I am mobile again. Stay safe yall. Be sure to prep, if I had not I would have been in bad shape for water and food and necessities. As well as plenty of ammo to discourage the the more nefarious prowlers who happened upon my property. They were not expecting anyone to be home, thought we had evacuated. they got an unpleasant  surprise.    Hope everyone in Florida is doing well. Being hit twice in two weeks is no fun.


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Re: I?m Back?..WNC
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2024, 01:38:13 PM »
Glad you checked in LG, we were starting to wonder.  I'm sure the bridge is a huge PITA, but glad to hear at least the house faired well for you. Keep us posted as much as able as the recovery and rebuilding goes.
Experience is the hardest kind of teacher, it gives the test 1st and the lesson after.

Courage is knowing it may hurt and doing it anyway.
Stupidity is the same.
This is why life is so hard.