I heard the current BLM Mouth of Sauron spokesperson spew on and on about Penny being a neo-KKK and the race card rhetoric about Blacks being targeted. He also made threats that perhaps the Black community should to the same to Whites. Al Sharpton also added his usual lies.
I've come to the conclusion all radicals hate life, seeking martyrdom, by instigating a civil war they know they cannot win should it goes down. Like death by cop writ large. Perhaps they believe they will earn eternal fame with their face graffiti'd on ghetto walls like George Floyd.
The issue with most race related groups is they're race baiters regardless of what they try to style themselves as. Nearly all of them are in it for nothing other than self gain. Sharpton and Jackson are two of the biggest shills out there when it comes to racial peace, BLM isn't far behind when you look into their management of the entire situation and what they've done.
This also doesn't stop at racial groups either, nearly all of your advocacy groups do not
ever want their cause to be alleviated, doing so is bad for the bottom line and cash flow. Clinton, Obama, and Biden were very good for 2A advocacy groups regardless of what anyone says. We're not dealing with anything different here.