Better for who? Assad was a tyrant who funded terrorism, over thrown by a group who is coopted by terrorists seeking a reginal caliphate. The victory that we helped significantly was celebrated by us immediately showering fireworks over them in the form of Jdams. The Shah of Iran was a monster, but his removal was not a net positive for Iran or the world. Turkey also had some presence among the rebels, especially in the northern border region, and they have been moving away from moderate attitude to the west in general.
Still, this was Syrian self determination, more or less, and with it comes consequence, its up to them to make it positive or not, so we wait and see.
Kind of shows just how rare and special this countries founders vision was who could shift from the chaos of war and create a framework that worked to secure and increase liberties for its citizens yet maintain stability for most of a century, until it was corrupted by those with despotic intent. They had to envision what had never been, yet numerous countries that followed suit could not, even to today, successfully use that template that brought such prosperity.
As far as Israel goes, I don't know how much of which it was that Israel helped the Syrian overthrow, or took advantage of their weakness as they were pressed by rebels, to take on Hezbollah without having the normal cross border support from Assad. The situation in Syria allowed them to make bolder moves without a real threat of reprisal and direct support by Syria.
kind of a side note in that is Irans support of Hamas and their Oct 7 incursion leading to Israel's escalated response and destruction of Hamas and now targeting Hez was a serious miscalculation on their part. They had to know a response was going to come, yet seemed to have no plan to deal with it, no coalition ready, and Syria being preoccupied trying to keep territory in the civil war to stop any Israeli advance. Basically if they greenlighted the attack they sacrificed their primary proxy army in the region for little gain. Iran is not shy of martyring people, but they have been cagey about using it to gain support among fundamentalists, but that attack was so horrific it unified opposition. Of course its much easier to look in hind sight and think decisions are stupid, but maybe trying to do genocide in todays instant media world is an obvious non starter.