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United health CEO shooting
« on: December 10, 2024, 09:07:19 AM »
Most of us have seen it by now, the unusual shooting being an obvious assignation with a suppressed pistol.  But holy cow are the details weird.

The guy planned out pretty thoroughly to be able to escape and evade as he did, looked to me he used a homemade suppressor direct threaded to a barrel with no booster, so he had to hand cycle it.  That is not so strange, why some people go out on tangents claiming it was a Wellrod or something, that part looks pretty straight forward. 

What gets more muddy is the pics of him shooting he is carrying a tan or grey backpack and black mask, which the pack they later find on the ground supposedly. Pics caught in surveillance the day before show him with a dark backpack at a hostel which is explainable I guess, though he wore the same coat and mask in that, one pic showed him in light colored mask which he was careful not to take off in public. 

He supposedly went to a lot of trouble to stay off of radar, not using a CC, hotel or traceable transport leading to it, used a fake ID for the hostel. Used a 3d printed gun and suppressor (which I doubt) looks a lot like a solvent trap and a P80 Glock lower to me, the latter might have been printed but its highly doubtful he 3d printed the can. That's marked up to media ignorance most likely.  The whole suppressor thing is pointless anyway unless he thought himself Jason Bourne or something, if anything made the gun less deadly, but I digress.

But he is captured days later a state away, with a hooded jacket, wearing a mask with a backpack again, containing the gun and a manifesto that allegedly mentioned staying undetected, still using the same fake ID.  A lot of effort expended to that point to keep from being detected or traced.  Yes, its hard to assign reason to someone who is irrational.  But he either wanted to get caught at that point keeping evidence on him despite a lot of effort to avoid it, or was living a surreal fantasy.   As usual, a lot of inconsistencies in reports, and pictures released. 
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Re: United health CEO shooting
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2024, 06:49:42 AM »
Dude was supposed to be off the scale smart.

Had half the FBI and all the cops in New York looking for him.

Got caught by a clerk at McDonalds.

If his issue was health care, why was he eatin' breakfast at McDonalds??

He may not have a lot to worry about, considering Alvin Bragg will be the prosecutor and he's almost sure to muck things up.
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Re: United health CEO shooting
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2024, 11:17:16 AM »
Dude came from a very well to do family, received the best education, had an easy early start at life, then he had back issues and got to see what life really was like. Apparently, that turned him into an angry bitter man that lashed out dealing with the US healthcare system after a bad surgery.
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Re: United health CEO shooting
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2024, 12:38:43 PM »
Not real thrilled about the state of healthcare in this country myself.

But I'm not gonna go out and plug somebody  over it.
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Re: United health CEO shooting
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2024, 01:49:47 PM »
"Healthcare" is a strong word for what passes for medical treatment in the US.  We have the most expensive system in the world, yet are near the bottom in healthy outcomes.  Our life expectancy is actually going down.

There is just no money to be made from a healthy populace, and cash is king here in the good ole USA.  Sickcare is big business though, and the food producer lobbyists make sure we don't regulate poisons like glyphosate and chemical additives, while the sickcare industry rakes in the cash treating heart disease, diabetes, autism and cancer.

As long as profit is the goal of sickcare rather than positive patient outcomes, we will continue to pay the most to get the least in sickcare.  I spend thousands of dollars each year to be able to see doctors who have no idea or care about how to give quality medical treatment.

I kid you not, I asked my previous "doctor" about whether I was getting to the age that I may need a colonoscopy, and he recommended Celexa, which I declined.  He said this would help me not to worry about colon cancer.  He kind of missed the point.  I don't want to not worry about it, I want to not have it.  My newest "doctor" is straight out of med school, and is American somehow.  He set me up for a colonoscopy without me even asking because I'll be 50 next year.

My wife went to the doctor with her one of her eyes infected to nearly shut, and sores on her face.  The doctor told her it was pink eye, and to walk it off.  It turned out to be shingles, and she nearly lost vision in one eye.  After many expensive trips to the eye doctor, she is better and her vision is minimally affected.  The same doctor told me my sick 10 year old just had a cold, and after taking him BACK to a DIFFERENT doctor, it turned out to be a double ear infection.  It was so bad that they thought he had stuck something in his ear, but it was his bulging ear drum. 

For several thousand dollars a year, I would hope we could have quality sickcare like, I don't know, Zimbabwe or Tajikistan.  Sickcare and the border are two of the greatest failures of our government.  Where is our MediCare for all Joe?  I think Congress should have to buy their insurance on the Affordable Care Act marketplace, and go to the local doctor.  As long as they get the millionaire treatment when they get sick, they won't understand the problem.

I feel for the United Healthcare CEO's family, but when you scam people for a living, sometimes there are consequences.  The assassin's punishment should be a lifetime membership to United Healthcare (which is MY current insurance, switched to Anthem for 2025) and time served.
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Re: United health CEO shooting
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2024, 08:42:55 PM »
The life expectancy decline stat is our diet not our healthcare system.  But our healthcare system is broken, and the money we put into it often is subsidizing many foreign countries healthcare, at least in drug costs. 

Essentially we have some of best injury and trauma care in the world, and poor illness treatment.

If this house of cards ever folds, the world is in for a real wake up call how viable socialism, especially socialized medicine is.
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Re: United health CEO shooting
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2024, 09:44:49 PM »
I've been hearing reports of some women fawning over the shooter. Sick, absolutely sick. What makes some women fall in love with criminals in prison, or stick with bad boys who cheat and abuse them? Are they masochistic? I guess that's why some of them love soap operas and rom-coms, because they love to suffer by proxy and cry. Or perhaps they are conceited to think "I can fix him". If they did by some miracle, these nutty women would then complain; "He's no longer the man I married anymore!"
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Re: United health CEO shooting
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2024, 03:01:57 AM »
The life expectancy decline stat is our diet not our healthcare system.  But our healthcare system is broken, and the money we put into it often is subsidizing many foreign countries healthcare, at least in drug costs. 

Essentially we have some of best injury and trauma care in the world, and poor illness treatment.

If this house of cards ever folds, the world is in for a real wake up call how viable socialism, especially socialized medicine is.

It's less subsidizing and more them ripping off our patents for drugs that cost billions to research, test, and get to market. All the Euros, Asians, and other countries do is buy trade secrets or reverse engineer the drug and sell it for pennies on the dollar. After that, yes we do subsidize foreign healthcare, they show up in droves and go to the ER and demand treatment. Treatment we end up footing the bill for. They're freeloaders and every one of them needs tossed out, even the dreamers that sat on their rears for 30+ years instead of fixing the problem.
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Re: United health CEO shooting
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2024, 07:31:34 AM »
We, as in our consumer cost mostly through insurance, subsidize the bulk of drug development, while other countries negotiate prices those for their national health care systems.  but yes, China by far the most egregious in this respect, out right steals the intellectual property, and yet we still fund and share labs with them in development, many times to get around regulation we have here, in some cases by the very entity that created the regulatory roadblock to start with, the US govt.

At some point this cash cow will dry up, and then we will see how this model of socialized medicine bares up under its own weight.  We actually already know, but the difference is there won't be an alternative.  And then we also see the tend to just remove the burden of the infirm and sick as the euthanasia movement becomes more mainstreamed through avenues like assisted suicide.
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Re: Soilent Green (not sure of spelling)
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2024, 08:46:11 PM »

Have any of you folks watched this old movie starring Charlton Heston and Edmond J. O'Brien.  The story is supposed to take place in year 2022.    If you haven't seen the movie I suggest you watch it and pay some close attention.   This is what the US and a good portion of the rest of the world could look like before the year 2030 rolls around. 


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Re: United health CEO shooting
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2024, 07:32:48 AM »
What is it called?
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Re: United health CEO shooting
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2024, 07:40:34 AM »
Duh, Soylent green   :doh:
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Re: United health CEO shooting
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2024, 08:52:55 AM »
Quite loosely based on a book called "Make Room, Make Room" by a guy named Hamilton, I believe.
I have a copy somewhere at my abode.
Book was mediocre, film was a little better.
I believe it was EG Robinson's last film.
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Re: United health CEO shooting
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2024, 01:34:06 PM »

Yes, thanks for the correction of the other actor's name, Edward G. Robinson not O'Brian.   I thought the movie depicted how the world's situation could turn out if its present course of action continues.   Totally senseless killings for no apparent reason seem to be happening every week.   These twisted minds are doing it just for notoriety and to have their name and picture show up in headlines around the world.   It makes me very happy to be 90 years old and able to live in a remote location of Montana.