I linked the YouTube video because that was the easiest, but I'm sure you can see this on the Shawn Ryan Podcast on Spotify if you have an account there.
I only watched this once, but to summarize: Shawn Ryan interviews a retired military intel analyst who started a social media platform for veterans and operators to get together and shoot the breeze, share memes, etc.. He became trusted enough by active members of the military that they would report unbecoming conduct and war crimes to him because he would not reveal their identity. This guy gets a crazy email from someone on Dec 31 claiming to be a former operator with wild information about some war crimes in Afghanistan and about the East Coast Drone phenomena. He writes it off at first and tells his wife "well, if he gets rolled up by .gov or turns up dead, we've got a helluva story!" and laughs it off. It turns out that the email was from the Tesla Cybertruck bomber. He claimed he was being followed, and the only reason they haven't moved on him yet was that they knew he was armed and was in a massive VBIED (Vehicle Borne IED).
Well, I guess they moved on him.
There is no way to prove what he claims about the drones, but EVERYTHING else in his email checked out after investigation. They post and read the emails during the interview. It's NUTS!
The social media/retired analyst guy turned everything over to the FBI and Homeland Security and a government agent tells him "confidentially" that the DNA found in the truck does not match the DNA of Matt Livelsberger's child, implying that he went off the deep end because his wife had a kid by another guy. The analyst says they told him that knowing it would get shared, but that he believes the DNA doesn't match because it's not the bomber's body.
This summary just scratches the surface of how crazy this interview gets. They said an operator with his skill set could have leveled the building, but instead used a bulletproof self-driving truck full of fireworks. He did this to draw media attention to the whistle he was blowing, and chose the Trump building because it would get the most media coverage. They said if he had wanted to kill people, people would be dead. Also, no connection to the NOLA crowd plower, other than they chose the same day. The similarities pushed by MSM is misinformation to make the whistleblower out as a terrorist as damage control.
If you've got an hour to go down the WTF?! rabbithole, check this out:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xglaXVtQcisIt has tons of ads 'cuz it's YouTube, Spotify with video is the best option if you have it.
Also, Intel guy says he has confirmation from two independent sources that Irananian MANPADs have crossed the border into the US. These are man portable Iranian air defense missiles. Another run into the US was caught and the couriers were nabbed. No more info on that. Gonna be a WTF year for sure..

If it wasn't for the 'Net and Podcasts, this information would have never seen the light of day.