Author Topic: Testimonial  (Read 33159 times)

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« on: October 14, 2008, 09:16:20 PM »
Got the trigger group installed this morning, and it feels exactly as you described it.  Short, light pull, and break at the same point every time.  I won't have time to try it on the range for a while, but I'll let you know how that goes.  In the mean time, I'll just have to sneak out to the garage to enjoy dry-firing this beautiful trigger you've created for my old SKS (with a snap-cap, of course).
Your work is exactly as described by the many testimonials I read;  a great result that has transformed my gritty SKS trigger group into an accurate, smooth mechanism that is a joy to use.  Turnaround was as fast as promised, too.
You are THE SKS man, Tom.  Thanks much.
Glendale, CA
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Re: Testimonial
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2008, 09:13:18 PM »

Just received my trigger back from you today. I think it's the best $90.00 I have
spent on this sows ear! Cost breakdown $65 for the trigger job, $15 for a new sear, & $10 for shipping. At some point later on I will send in my spare trigger to have your magic touch put on it too. A great person to do business with, and means what he says.

Cheers Airdale1956  8)  :sniper
« Last Edit: December 02, 2008, 06:40:23 AM by airdale1956 »
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Re: Testimonial
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2008, 09:57:27 PM »
Glad you like it....

According to my arithmetic it was only $80 total .....  :lol:
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Re: Testimonial
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2009, 11:03:32 PM »
Thank you for the work you did on my Norinco trigger group.
I consider myself a novice rifleman( My only formal training was in the USAF on the M16-once a year for 10 years).I've been out of the service for 20 years. I recently purchased the SKS and started rifle shooting again. I know the SKS is not capable of tack driving accuracy, but that trigger work cut my groups from 3 1/2 in. at fifty yards to 2 in. consistently (I told you I'm a novice). I know with practice and more instruction that I'll be doing  better than that. I saw a post on SKS boards that said it was a night and day difference. There is no doubt about it. Thank you for the best $64.95 I've spent in along time( I spend a lot of bucks on my handguns). The ten day turn-around was a definate plus. Feel free to use this as a testomonial.
Dan Conway
Byron, Ga   
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testimonial from Elmer
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2009, 11:59:16 PM »

Received the trigger assembly on Friday and shot the rifle Sunday.  One word
AWESOME!!  One regret, I shouldn't have sold my other SKS, for such a low,
low price because of the TRIGGER, in fact I would have kept it, had I knew
about your trigger job.  I'll been showing off my SKS at the range, in fact
one shooter already commented on how smooth it was on Sunday, Mother's Day,
not too many shooters.  I had to let someone try it, because I thought it
was just too good be true.
Keep up the good work!!!

Thank you very much,
Elmer Nolasco
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Re: Testimonial
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2009, 06:30:43 PM »
A belated Thanks and Job well done for the work you did on my Trigger group.

I finally got the old girl together and it's well beyond what I expected or thought a SKS could be.

Reverend Colin


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Re: Testimonial
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2009, 04:30:16 PM »
 This was the fastest turn around I have ever seen. Less than a week after sending my trigger in and I get a package in the mail and low and behold its my finished trigger group. I must say the turn around time and the awesome crisp, smooth Kivaari trigger job is well worth the $64.95 . Every sks I own from now on will get this upgrade! Thanks!


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Re: Testimonial
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2009, 01:10:19 PM »

Trigger group arrived today and all I can say is... WOW!

Thanks for the quick turn around and great job.


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Re: Testimonial
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2010, 02:07:05 PM »
"Tom sorry it took so long to get out and test my SKS, but we have had some wet weekends here in Alabama. I found this SKS at a local pawn shop for $175.00 last December. Well you seen the trigger group it looked brand new, the rifle is the same way. I put forty rounds through it before I sent the trigger to you, it wasn’t all that bad but it was inconsistent and it made me pull. I took it out to a 100 yard range this weekend and it was wonderful. I let a friend shoot it and he said the trigger was nicer than his new Remington 700 VTR. This now reminds me of how nice it was to shoot a M14 open sight at 500 yards. I’ll send some target pictures when the weather gets better, THANKS for some great craftsmanship and a wonderful trigger group. Lee Smith former USMC 1963-1968
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Re: Testimonial
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2010, 05:04:20 PM »
"I love SKS rifles. I have two. One Russian and one Chinese. My only gripe is they have the triggers from hell in them. 
I took mine to my gun smith who said I dont want to touch those triggers.
I was totally dismayed as I believed I was going to have to live with them forever. Then one day I found Kivarri's Little Armory.  I contacted Tom Prince who certainly was named correctly. He is a Prince of a guy. And after talking with him I was convinced Tom knew his stuff.
I packaged up my triggers and sent them off to McKinney Texas where ever that is. Tom was great he immediately contacted me and told me he had received the triggers on a Friday. He told me they would be done and in the mail to me the next Monday. The turn around time was just too good to be true. But as promised Tom had them in the mail that Monday. Again he called to let me know they had been sent.
I installed them the day they arrived and I was blown away. These were first class match triggers.
Before the triggers went through a grueling three stops before the hammer fell. The pull went off the scale of the meter before the hammer would fall. Now there is a very short smooth travel to one stop and the hammer falls with a 3 1/2 pound pull.
Tom is not only a great trigger man but a gentleman to work with who keeps you up minute to minute on his progress from the moment you mail your triggers to the time he returns them. Thanks Tom. Now I can buy more SKS's LOL
Lynn in Los Angeles County.
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Re: Testimonial
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2010, 07:00:19 PM »
Thanks Tom (this is Tom from Missouri). 

The trigger has minimal creep (about the same as my Winchester Model 70) and breaks crisp, as advertised, with a pull weight under 5 lbs according to my Lyman gauge (better than my 70!).  Very nice two stage pull.  This is going to be a good little shooter.  It is an arsenal 906 paratrooper.

I will post pics and a range report this weekend.  I just received the trigger this afternoon.

Thank you for your assistance.

Brother (Tom P.)

PS--Exceptionally fast turnaround on the wonderful gunsmithing (I put this in slow mail to Tom last Tuesday and this was a Memorial Day Weekend to boot)!
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Re: Testimonial
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2010, 05:50:52 PM »

Many thanks!! I'm very impressed!!

Trigger group arrived yesterday and couldn't wait to shoot it so I took a vacation day to go to the range. Never knew I could get groups that tight out of an SKS!! I plan to tell everyone I run across with an SKS about your services and will be sending you the trigger groups for my two Russian SKS's for work in the near future.

Great job!!!

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Re: Testimonial
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2010, 02:52:00 AM »
Hey Tom,  I have read ll the tesimonies and convinced that I would like to do the trigger job on my Russian that I just received from an auction, I understand you are in Mckinney, I live in Southlake, Tx, by the DFW airport and Grapevine, Please let me know price and location for mailing or I could even drive it there, I am retired and have lots of time... I have a 23 rifle collection of sks's and other rifle that I have collected throughout the years, unfortunately, the sks's does not get much attention due to really creepy triggers, if and when you can, you could also call me at 214-845-1700.. that is my direct line.. Thank you.. Patrick
Thank you , Regards, ":D


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Re: Testimonial
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2010, 02:50:52 PM »
tom ,went to ky. this weekend had a chance to fire 100 or more rounds the trigger pull is great , i think it's as different as night & day , i was shooting beer cans at 100yrd's consistently with surplus ammo,now as paul harvy would say,the rest of the story,      thank's mike

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Re: Testimonial
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2010, 08:39:02 PM »
Got the trigger group back recently and took it to the range to test it out. I put about 100 rounds of wolf ammo through it and boy, I was impressed! We had some friends of ours over and they had a blast shooting too (not to mention it was their first time to shoot an SKS). Thanks for the job well done!
Ryan Hayes
quality and correctly engaging SKS trigger tune

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