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General Discussion / Re: I-80 in WY
« Last post by Onepoint on Today at 07:57:16 AM »
I don't know if true or not that foreign nationals driving for trucking companies is increased, or so I hear the complaints, but I do know some of our biggest wrecks in recent history started from one of these people making some very poor decisions driving a 60000 lb rig.  We had a multi car pileup a couple years ago in the winter on I-80 east a little ways of where this was from a Mexican driver who just stopped his rig in the middle to highway in poor visibility.

Driving skill isn't the only thing since covid that declined with people in general.
General Discussion / Re: I-80 in WY
« Last post by Danjal on Today at 07:42:15 AM »
Used to be that's how it was here, the problem is the amount of stupid drivers has increased to where the accidents shut it down as soon as conditions get dicey and not the run off the road kind wrecks the semi slams into the back of of cars and other semis kind of mess.  Volume is up, GPS is relied on more and a its made a lethal combination.

Post covid drivers are some of the worst I've ever seen in my entire life. Young, old, middle aged, all of them are so busy looking at screens instead of driving. Half of me wants self-driving cars to become the norm to stop their stupidity as they're typically the laziest out of the mess, and the other half of me fears the mess that'll end up being the data and standardization fight that'll ensue for the tech.
General Discussion / Re: I-80 in WY
« Last post by Onepoint on Today at 07:37:27 AM »
Used to be that's how it was here, the problem is the amount of stupid drivers has increased to where the accidents shut it down as soon as conditions get dicey and not the run off the road kind wrecks the semi slams into the back of of cars and other semis kind of mess.  Volume is up, GPS is relied on more and a its made a lethal combination.

So far as I heard this morning, no more deaths, but 5 people with severe injuries reported.
General Discussion / Re: I-80 in WY
« Last post by Danjal on Today at 07:06:11 AM »
Speaking from experience, it's a I-80 thing for the closures. PA closes I-80 if they think they saw snow in the last 48 hours. Wrecks and fires are kinda common on I-80. Meanwhile on I-90, NYDOT will keep the road open in -30 degree weather while it's coming down at the rate of 3' an hour with the mantra of "Stupid enough to drive, stupid enough to die" and just let you have at it.
General Discussion / Re: I-80 in WY
« Last post by cvasqu03 on Today at 03:46:05 AM »
Wow, that looks bad.  It looks like it might even be a suffocation danger just to be in there at that point.  It's hard to understand just how bad it really is to breathe under those circumstances unless you've actually been in a fire.
General Discussion / I-80 in WY
« Last post by Onepoint on Yesterday at 05:55:13 PM »
I-80 where it goes through WY, especially the western half is probably the worst interstate in the country for closures, seems like in the winter its closed more than open some weeks on a particular stretch, so much so there is talk of rerouting it. 

That's bad enough, and then this happens.

Not a lot of tunnels on it being mostly open country, but there are a couple, one is relatively long near Green River WY, and had an accident in it with a fire,  multiple vehicles involved, and I hear its bad, 2 confirmed fatalities on the outside of it already.

 You can see the smoke from both ends
The Workbench / Re: My mods on SKS rifles.
« Last post by monaderio on Yesterday at 10:22:00 AM »
Another Yugo receiver is waiting for a quality barrel from China or Russia. I prefer to avoid Yugo barrels because they are not chrome-lined, and most have rusted and pitted bores and chambers.
The Workbench / Re: My mods on SKS rifles.
« Last post by monaderio on February 13, 2025, 07:33:08 PM »
The barrel has been threaded.

The Workbench / Re: My mods on SKS rifles.
« Last post by monaderio on February 13, 2025, 04:27:53 PM »
More pictures of the universal AK-47 FSB.

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