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Take of how a civil war will come about
« on: August 26, 2024, 12:00:34 PM »
  I don't spend a lot of time on you tube watching stuff like this, in fact I watch very little op ed or conspiracy stuff on youtube at all much less political stuff.  I ran across this while on there watching something else and let it play while surfing for parts.

 I don't know if I agreed with everything he highlighted as potential issues or major factors, but he did hit on many just plain obvious ones and also showed historical correlations, as well as straying, but was interesting. Almost an hour long.

Historian Warns the American Civil War of 2024 Has Already Started | Rudyard Lynch (whatifalthist)

One thing he said how the left will win is if they provoke the right to rebel "illegally" and the military sides with them to keep order.  Maybe, but I tend to think, if we are ever pushed far enough that a rebellion takes physical form across multiple states, the military will crumble as it will be over whelmed, and unable to function as soon as the supply chain breaks down.  Initially they will probably prevail where they have presence, but like wildfires, the sparks will spread faster than the lines they make until it burns itself out.  IMO essentially the only way the left wins this culture war, is if we quit fighting it, and that's what they are bent on getting us to do, by making the cost to do so become higher and higher hoping to weed out enough opposition it becomes so marginalized to be ineffective.
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Re: Take of how a civil war will come about
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2024, 09:02:55 PM »
You should read(or kindle/audio) 'Stealing Second' by Nicholas Antinozzi. About political attack on the 2A and the results.  Interesting reading.
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Re: Take of how a civil war will come about
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2024, 02:28:45 PM »
There's one major problem with that synopsis. The right is the main group in the military and executive branches as far as enlisted personnel. The left loves to squawk and screech, but when it comes to doing they're usually all talk or it has to be on their terms.
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Re: Take of how a civil war will come about
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2024, 08:34:32 AM »
Information control is tight in the military when deployed, especially when coming down to the enlisted, it may not matter how they lean politically, in a scenario of break down of established order if they can be convinced they fighting an enemy, they will, and it won't matter if they are waving the Gadsden flag or not.

I was watching one of the youtubers who was former special forces, and he made pretty good point.  If we use modeling on our civil war with how the govt worked  on the war on terror when it came quasi legal orders and strategies, even if military at large may balk and be unreliable, their use of PMCs will be relied on heavily, and there will be enough tier one warriors that are not in service but working as PMCs that will take contracts to eliminate insurrectionists for the money offered, and they won't care if its Americans or not, and its those who will be deployed against groups of resistance rather than military. 

Still, we know that nobody is truly certain of the future or how things will go and a lot of things have to remain static for many of these predictive scenarios to play out, and that probably not going to happen.  Every unforeseen factor that comes into play will cascade to collapse preconceived scenarios.  Things like a chocolate shortage may make even me genocidal if its due to some skittles eating "taste the rainbow" leftist.
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Re: Take of how a civil war will come about
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2024, 02:20:35 PM »
Hmm..... I remember when the discussion was about all political parties, "the people" would need to take back the government and this country back from the overreach of all federal ententes. WOW.. how things have changed. Political candidates and congress critters have driven a wedge so deep within this country, that they have taken the upper hand and have cult members now doing the bidding for them. We have really lost track of what this country is about in three election cycles.

No matter what you think, the candidate do not have your best interest mind.   For me: the enemy I know is better than the one that is unpredictable.


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Re: Take of how a civil war will come about
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2024, 03:48:09 PM »
The enemy is still the govt, and despite the near merging of parties into similar identities,  one party reveres it more than any other.  Want to talk about cults, we can, but we are not at this point because of candidates or politics, we are here because of a culture war and entitlement mentality.
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Re: Take of how a civil war will come about
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2024, 09:37:18 PM »
No matter what you think, the candidate do not have your best interest mind.   For me: the enemy I know is better than the one that is unpredictable.

They're both garbage IMO. American politicians have been garbage for decades with very few outliers. Typically if you get a "good" politician they do a satisfactory job and don't screw up anything too big. This type has pretty much set a rather low standard for politicians.
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Re: Take of how a civil war will come about
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2024, 03:55:07 PM »
The politicians are doing fine.  They have benefited their donors quite well.  When Mitch McConnell was asked about the 60 BILLION DOLLARS for Ukraine, he said not to worry.  Most of the money will be going to American defense contractors...

Why did we leave billions of dollars worth of military hardware in Afghanistan?  Because the American defense contractors had already been paid for it, so it served its purpose.  It will also give us some things to blow up should the stock of American defense contractors start to slide.  You know who will benefit from that?  American defense contractors... 

I'm starting to see a pattern here, one that might explain why the stock market can be doing great while average Americans choose between groceries or gas.

Do you know the ONE main issue both parties agree with?  The welfare of the American defense contractors.  If the MilIndCom can figure out how to benefit from another Civil War, we will have one for sure.
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Re: Take of how a civil war will come about
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2024, 07:52:05 AM »
Armed conflict may have ended 159 years ago but we are still fighting the Civil War today. We still have differing views of the Constitution and how it relates to States and The People. These views range from strict Constitutionalists to those who would do away with the Constitution altogether so that they could have complete control and power. So there's that.

We've always had fault lines in our country. Divisions over race, abortion, taxes, immigration, you name it, the cracks are there. And they've been widened by the destabilization efforts of our enemies. Call them China and Russia if you want to. Citizens United didn't help any. Neither has the last 4 administrations who spent the majority of their time blaming problems on their predecessor. So, the fault lines that have always been there are being put into motion, grinding against each other.

These issues have existed for years and have sparked conflict but not war. Now we have entered a phase where political and social elites not only think THEY should be in command but they condemn and label anyone who opposes them as Satan personified and an Enemy of the State. They use social and economic pressures and controls to extend their sphere of control and and use the legal structure to attack their opponents.

We're one good spark away from blowing the lid off the keg and that spark could come November 5th.

If it looks like there's been any hanky panky with the election by either side, BOOM!
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Re: Take of how a civil war will come about
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2024, 09:38:21 AM »
Most people already think the election is being rigged, the right doesn't trust the machines, ballot harvesting and mail in ballots etc, the left believes any kind of election security or verification of eligibility is voter suppression. 
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Re: Take of how a civil war will come about
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2024, 12:19:38 PM »
Most people already think the election is being rigged, the right doesn't trust the machines, ballot harvesting and mail in ballots etc, the left believes any kind of election security or verification of eligibility is voter suppression.

One of the fissures in our crust.

We have irreconcilable differences but aren't allowed to get a divorce.

We'll have to fight it out.
I'm just holdin' the tail. You guys are the one's pumpin' the cat.