is it possible to make an SKS copy with 100% US made parts, by having a CNC milled receiver made in US, with barrel threaded for either AK or AR or something commonly available, and US wood stock, and accepts either US made magazines or something like that, in various calibers? (or would it be simpler to stick to the classic 7.62x39 instead?) just wondering if any company would be able to purchase the tooling/set ups from the sources like one of the Baltic States or China (I somehow do not see THAT happening, what with the current suspension of importing new Norinco stuff...).... Just wondering as to the legality of all this..I mean, 10 or less game, or 100% US made somehow...granted, it would be EXPENSIVE to make a limited run of US made receivers but....I wonder how many would be willing to get the US Receiver and barrel assembly, and be able to run 100% US made parts and not have to worry about 922R, especially if all the parts are what you could in theory, get from current vendors..such as the gas assembly, the bolt assembly, bolt carrier, trigger system, stocks....heck someone could make something specifically for the Bullpup setups and offer it as an US complete firearm that just so happens to operate the same as an SKS? Are there any current patents or copyrights on the SKS design?
I mean, for 922R; BATF lists 14-17 parts for the SKS right? lets say you have the following US made parts/assemblies;
1. Receiver-Receiver block and rear cover
2. Barrel
3. Gas system-block, tube, piston/rod
4. Stock assembly-stock and handguard
5. Trigger assembly-trigger frame, trigger, springs, sear, disconnector bar, any other?
6. Magazine assembly-body, floor plate, spring,
7. Sights
8. Muzzle Device
9. Bolt Carrier assembly-carrier and handle,
10. Bolt-bolt itself, firing pin, ejector, spring(s)
Now; with these 10 subassemblies; one could make a 100% US made SKS and not fall foul of any legal issues, unless someone out there has a patent/copyright on the design itself? Could it be marketed as a Hunting rifle similar to the Belgian B.A.R. sporters and the Remington 75 Sporters? I mean, the SKS seems to be pretty popular for hunting, so having a 100% American made Soviet design could make sense in a weird way.....?