Author Topic: Keeping track of the IO Inc. / TGI Imports (S/N list now in reply #199)  (Read 140149 times)

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Re: Keeping track of the IO Inc. / TGI Imports (S/N list now in reply #199)
« Reply #480 on: February 06, 2015, 03:25:50 PM »
Swivel on side of stock, or on bottom of stock, would be nice to know.  This should be the transitional years for the swivel placement. :)  Nice catch.

The sling swivel is on the bottom of the stock. This gun also falls into the middle of the Sino-Bainian guns too


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Re: Keeping track of the IO Inc. / TGI Imports (S/N list now in reply #199)
« Reply #481 on: February 11, 2015, 10:06:44 AM »
Non-numbers matching picked up at LGS back in December, 2014.

Receiver, receiver cover: 67476 (No arsenal markings that I can find)
Magazine, trigger group, bolt carrier: 57476
Bolt: 7476
Gas tube: 6333 2446 (might also be 4446 - looks like whoever electro-penciled it in might have tried to fix it)
Gas piston: 4476 6333

Pinned rear sight, sling swivel on left side of stock. Two trap doors in stock (No markings).


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Re: Keeping track of the IO Inc. / TGI Imports (S/N list now in reply #199)
« Reply #482 on: February 11, 2015, 03:45:50 PM »
Interesting gun cdrums55!  Think you can get some photos of it? 

Those numbers are too similar all around to be a coincidence that they managed to find replacement hardware from a gun exactly 10k units away.  Almost seems like it was simply mis-stamped at the factory during production...


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Re: Keeping track of the IO Inc. / TGI Imports (S/N list now in reply #199)
« Reply #483 on: February 13, 2015, 04:29:48 PM »
Yea, sorry for the delay, but here ya go:


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Re: Keeping track of the IO Inc. / TGI Imports (S/N list now in reply #199)
« Reply #484 on: February 21, 2015, 06:27:22 PM »
Have I.O. Monroe NC serial #58542....all stamped matching original non-refurb ghost found at the Roanoke Gun Show 2 weeks ago....


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Re: Keeping track of the IO Inc. / TGI Imports (S/N list now in reply #199)
« Reply #485 on: February 21, 2015, 11:43:38 PM »
That's a nice rifle.


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Re: Keeping track of the IO Inc. / TGI Imports (S/N list now in reply #199)
« Reply #486 on: March 29, 2015, 01:29:51 AM »
Chinese Ghost (I think) picked up from Classic on their Black Friday Grade B sale at the end of Nov.  All numbers matching, even matching stock, unfortunately broken (I've got it in a pretty Russian stock for shooting purposes).  Serial number 178109, from IO Palm Bay


I have one with L U carved into the stock, too.  Can you decipher any more of the trench art?

Like many other SKSs in that batch, it had an anchor carved into it. After I cleaned up the stock, it was possible that the deeply carved П was used as part of the anchor and the L was a C.  It may be that the anchor was carved to obscure the letters ПСЦ.  The same cracked stock also has "1989-1991" carved on the side, but the dates also seemed to be carved over Cyrillic letters убы.  All of this points to a possibly entertwined Serbia/Slovenia/Albania/whatever history. In 1991, the Republic of Albania was established, but the 1989-1991 dates are also significant in Serbia/Former Yugoslavia and Slovenia.

My original post was:

For example, it is hard to see in pictures, but the anchor is lighter than the Cyrillic letters псц on the stock.  Google Translate thinks it is PSC (Serbian).  It could be Belorusian, Serbian, or just Russian.  Or maybe nothing.  I found a couple of possibilities in these links:

The other example on the same stock was a deeply carved set of letters that look like "убы" with a lighter, newer 1989-1991 carved over the top.  убы is a Siberian Tatar word, a surname, and is commonly used to describe a river in East Kazakhstan (Uba River). 

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