I like the way you put it Galahad, I try to never make salt changes to my rifles. All of the adaptations that I make are always reversible. Drilling a receiver is salt, sliding on a new stock, deciding I don't like it and selling it (sometimes for more that I paid) I call experience points. Even if it cost me a few dollars, it is my hobby and I got to try it out. Will know to do it or not do it next time. To have loved and lost is better that never having loved at all applies to my favorite hobby. So as long as I can return it to original to sell it or just cause I get bored I have noooooo problem with experimentation. Shoot even if it is not reversible I will sometimes wack on a mismatched soldier if it will make an interesting project. That is part of the fun of SKS’s (The low price). Wack on a $2500 FNC, no way but on a $100 gun show find, sure, more experience points. Look guys, there are a few hundred thousand of our favorite rifles out there, it will be a long time before the collector value of very many exceed a few hundred dollars. That is why we shoot them till the wood smokes, good cheap clean American FUN. I shoot my Galils and my Valmet and my FNC but they are no more fun that my SKS’s . I have friends that won’t shoot their Galil’s , gee that’s a lot of fun. They are missing the point. Guns go bang, Americans are pokers and innovators. Long live America, home of the free and land of the brave. Heck I like this. I see and hear owners of expensive colections makeing fun of SKS's and I tell them that we are doers and they are setters. They sit and fondle their collections with white gloves on and I shoot the S--t out of mine. No choice in my mind. You guys know what I mean!!! Soapbox Soapbox Soapbox Soapbox Soapbox Soapbox