Author Topic: We're already there...  (Read 11651 times)

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Chip Hazard

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Re: We're already there...
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2013, 08:24:07 AM »
Both parties are to blame. And if by chance the house is regained by the libs in 2014, we will all pay the price. If those who say they are patriots stand by and let the government strip them of their rights. Then they are no different then the left or the right. I really don't see this country making it to the 2014 elections, unless law is changed where Obama could run for the white house again. His agenda wouldn't be complete, and him and his cronies certainly wouldn't want America making a turn around. It's time people stop thinking the elected officials are going to save them. It's time that the people pull up their big boy pants and start thinking for themselves.
Obama won't try for a third term.  As much as I dislike him I never thought he was stupid.  Absolutely everything he does is thought out and calculated to work towards an end result.  Now... if the adoring people demand he is needed, and our representatives cave into that and swoon to the 'one' and change the law, then he could run and if he does and gets re-elected, expect him to be declared President for life, and dictator.  Don't laugh or scoff... Hitler rose to power in a similar way and was originally voted into office.  He didn't just decide one day to become a dictator, he had a well laid out plan that led to that.

But in reality I don't think that is going to happen with Obama... It 'could' under the right circumstances, but it is unlikely it would happen.  More likely is he will become more and more radical with his EO's and power he grants his cabinet and Czars.  If he can get a couple Supreme Court noms pushed through, he may not become President for life or a Dictator, but he certainly will be doing as many of the previous Presidents have done before him (both Dem and Republican Presidents)- and that is continue to build on the laws and power they keep granting themselves until one day we fall just like all empires do, and then we will emerge as something else... something ugly and that I hope I never see, but fear I just may see it happen in my lifetime.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 09:28:51 AM by Chip Hazard »
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Re: We're already there...
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2013, 08:35:51 AM »
I had heard that they were kicking around the idea of writing legislation that would remove the 2 term limit. From my understanding they are waiting till 2015 to put it into action for the 2016 election. I agree with some of the previous posts. That Hitler did a lot of things legally. At least by the laws in Germany. If he did not like a law or how it worked he just changed it or removed it. And we are seeing similar things happening here.IMO.
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Chip Hazard

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Re: We're already there...
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2013, 10:05:03 AM »
Actually I can see things playing out like this...
Obama continues to become more and more radical and grant more and more power to others so they can bypass Congress by other means than him issuing EO's.

After they test the waters and push through things they want, they will try for the brass ring... and maybe they might get it, but they won't be expecting that to happen.  Instead he will set things up for a whole new regime to step in, one that will promise to set us back on path... to fix what Obama broke... but in reality they will just build on what Obama and every other President since the 1900's has been setting up and moving us towards.  Obama will effectively be turned into 'the bad guy' towards the end of his term, and then whoever wins, whether it is a Democat or Republican, will blame Obama just like Obama blamed Bush for everything.  They will use Obama as an excuse to raise taxes even further and also take control of assets and companies.  I wouldn't be surprised to see our government take over control of utilities. 

Of course the above scenario all depends on the outcome of 2014 and if they believe America wants 4/8 more years of the same; then he will play the good guy to the GOP's 'bad guy' as to pave the way for the next Dem President.  At this point I don't think Hillary will be a player but I won't swear by that either.

The bottom line is I think we've past our expiration date a long time ago...
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Chip Hazard

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Re: We're already there...
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2013, 02:29:58 AM »
I had heard that they were kicking around the idea of writing legislation that would remove the 2 term limit. From my understanding they are waiting till 2015 to put it into action for the 2016 election. I agree with some of the previous posts. That Hitler did a lot of things legally. At least by the laws in Germany. If he did not like a law or how it worked he just changed it or removed it. And we are seeing similar things happening here.IMO.
If they did this I am sure Obama wouldn't be able to run again in 2016.  They would say it is from this point on.
That said, I am sure they would write it in a way that would allow Obama to run again in 2020.  He'd be 58 or 59 in 2020.  That's plenty young enough to run again, and IF things played out like this you can bet once he got back in office it would end up being for life.

But we're not there... yet...
Could we ever get there?  You bet.  All it takes is for enough people to not give a damn what the government does as long as they get their free handouts and cell phones and things like that.  And sadly, we're almost at that point right now.
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Re: We're already there...
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2013, 10:28:17 AM »
Hey Chip: If you look realistically at the mess our Country is in (and has been since FDR started the whole big gov. "we'll take care of you" B.S.), it's no one's fault but our own. Even though my father and his generation fought the great war to save us from subjugation by Germany and Japan, they were also part of the beginning of the end of true freedom- because they sat back and allowed Socialists to begin their insidious, slow but methodical plan to kill our constitutional form of limited government. I say this because of my age and  my personal study of modern history. Older and wiser heads may opine that the slide started even earlier. I'm not smart enough to know how to stop the snowball, but I will follow the lead of those who are. I do know this: if you're too busy to inform yourself about what your elected reps are up to, break out the KY jelly.

Chip Hazard

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Re: We're already there...
« Reply #20 on: June 07, 2013, 11:46:24 AM »
I agree it is our fault, but will also say in a way it isn't totally us to blame.

By that I mean it's like fighting a bully... a BIG STRONG BULLY.  A lot of people DO vote and write their representatives.  So in that sense people are trying to do something.  The problem is we as individuals are really ineffective at getting anything done and politicians know that and basically ignore us.

Sure they pander to certain groups.  The other problem is that the areas of far left leaning liberal thinking people such as big cities is starting to out number the rest of us.  There is a huge problem when a state has say 67 counties and 11 counties dictate which direction the entire state goes politically.  That's 11 counties that get to tell 56 counties what to do just because they have a higher concentration of people that all think the same way. 

Yes I know and understand that's how things were set up, but it is no longer working.  Soon the entire country will be outnumbered by the shear volume of people that live in cities and tend to lean to the left.  Add to that the plan to fast track illegals to be citizens that can vote and even if 100% of the rest of us get out there and vote we will be out numbered.  Hell... even if it was a 50/50 split and 100% of us voted we'd still lose because the other side loves to vote 3 or 4 times- even dead people are still voting!

So yes there may have been a time when this could have been stopped, and yes there may have been a time when we can honestly say 'it's our fault'- but I don't think we can still say that too much longer if at all.  I know I have been trying, and I know everyone on this forum has been trying and doing their part.  So it can't be said it's our fault.  My point is that very soon it won't even matter because for our kids and future generations they won't be able to do a damn thing about any of this and it certainly won't be their fault.

I understand what you are saying though.  I'm just saying it's already too late.  The USA fell a long time ago and has been taken over from within.  Just like Rome and other empires before us, the name still exists, but the USA as we know it died a long time ago.
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Re: We're already there...
« Reply #21 on: June 07, 2013, 03:14:00 PM »
Don't give up! Keep informed, stay pissed off, continue to write your elected representatives, become part of a like-minded group. Try to convert a "taker" into a "maker". We still have some faint hope in 2014 and 2016, but we have to stay on top of the bad guys. We're finding out more each day how big the conspiracy was to get Obummer re-elected last year, via every dirty, illegal trick in the Chicago Politics playbook. If we can prevent that in the next two elections, we have a chance.


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Re: We're already there...
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2013, 03:08:06 PM »
True, but up until now our government at least pretended to abide by the Constitution.

Obama has trampled the Constitution, but Bush by no means abided by it (or pretended to in my opinion).  Patriot Act.  Sniveling politicians, at the national level especially, are on the same side:  how to take most advantage of We the People.  They use the social issues to keep us at each others throats while they drown us all in policy that strips our liberty and pursuits of happiness.  It really boils down to elitists versus everyone else.  Political party is just a get-up.
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Re: We're already there...
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2013, 03:16:01 PM »
Both parties are to blame. And if by chance the house is regained by the libs in 2014, we will all pay the price. If those who say they are patriots stand by and let the government strip them of their rights. Then they are no different then the left or the right. I really don't see this country making it to the 2014 elections, unless law is changed where Obama could run for the white house again. His agenda wouldn't be complete, and him and his cronies certainly wouldn't want America making a turn around. It's time people stop thinking the elected officials are going to save them. It's time that the people pull up their big boy pants and start thinking for themselves.
Obama won't try for a third term.  As much as I dislike him I never thought he was stupid.  Absolutely everything he does is thought out and calculated to work towards an end result.  Now... if the adoring people demand he is needed, and our representatives cave into that and swoon to the 'one' and change the law, then he could run and if he does and gets re-elected, expect him to be declared President for life, and dictator.  Don't laugh or scoff... Hitler rose to power in a similar way and was originally voted into office.  He didn't just decide one day to become a dictator, he had a well laid out plan that led to that.

But in reality I don't think that is going to happen with Obama... It 'could' under the right circumstances, but it is unlikely it would happen.  More likely is he will become more and more radical with his EO's and power he grants his cabinet and Czars.  If he can get a couple Supreme Court noms pushed through, he may not become President for life or a Dictator, but he certainly will be doing as many of the previous Presidents have done before him (both Dem and Republican Presidents)- and that is continue to build on the laws and power they keep granting themselves until one day we fall just like all empires do, and then we will emerge as something else... something ugly and that I hope I never see, but fear I just may see it happen in my lifetime.

38 of 50 states would have to agree to change the constitution in such a way:

I doubt that would happen.There are definitely more than 12 red states that would not go for it.
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Re: We're already there...
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2013, 12:47:42 AM »
" I doubt that would happen.There are definitely more than 12 red states that would not go for it."

The problem with that is the UN. The UN is already trying to take are guns through international law, totally bypassing our constitution. Obama is a possible candidate for the UN (when out of office)where he could do a lot of harm.
We need a third party IMHO, Rand Paul? don't agree with some things he spouts off about but It would still be the "US" with him in office and constitutional rule.
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Re: We're already there...
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2013, 02:07:42 AM »
Both parties represent Corporate America morr than the common citizen... A third party candidate would be a possible solution, if they had a reall chance. The next president of The United Corporations of America will be just like the last, just with different lies.

Our government is broken, and I for one don't know how to fix it. Someday we'll start from scratch, hopefully with The Constitution as our guide.
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Re: We're already there...
« Reply #26 on: July 13, 2013, 02:34:04 AM »
Both parties represent Corporate America morr than the common citizen... A third party candidate would be a possible solution, if they had a reall chance. The next president of The United Corporations of America will be just like the last, just with different lies.

Our government is broken, and I for one don't know how to fix it. Someday we'll start from scratch, hopefully with The Constitution as our guide.

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Re: We're already there...
« Reply #27 on: July 13, 2013, 07:30:34 AM »
Both parties represent Corporate America morr than the common citizen... A third party candidate would be a possible solution, if they had a reall chance. The next president of The United Corporations of America will be just like the last, just with different lies.

Our government is broken, and I for one don't know how to fix it. Someday we'll start from scratch, hopefully with The Constitution as our guide.

We will never have a viable third party if we don't stand up now and vote for one. I say Rand makes the most sense at the moment, if you come up with someone else I'm open to suggestions.
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Re: We're already there...
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2013, 08:40:24 AM »
Both parties represent Corporate America morr than the common citizen... A third party candidate would be a possible solution, if they had a reall chance. The next president of The United Corporations of America will be just like the last, just with different lies.

Our government is broken, and I for one don't know how to fix it. Someday we'll start from scratch, hopefully with The Constitution as our guide.

We will never have a viable third party if we don't stand up now and vote for one. I say Rand makes the most sense at the moment, if you come up with someone else I'm open to suggestions.

Rand is not "third Party" Rand is much more of a republican than his father was in name only.


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Re: We're already there...
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2013, 03:12:15 PM »
I really doubt Rand will get Republican nomination, and then he will run third party.
He seems more accepted by the media than his dad. (yeah I know I'm a optimist)
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