Don't want to start a new topic, but would like to refresh this one.
Is there any news/updates to it?
There was a conversation last year I had with the seller in the gun shop. From the best of my memory. I waved the issue about the bullpup stocks and its unclear status for SKSes in Canada/Ontario. The answer was: it is not illegal. Their store used to import SGWs year or so ago (remember, I visited them in the summer of 2019). I addition he said that if there is an acceptable 18.5in/470mm length of barrel, and 26in/660mm overall length, it still under non-restricted firearms, but only in case if there is no mods done to barrel/bolt/receiver/original trigger group.
I am still thinking whether it is legal to own it in Ontario, CANADA.
I purchased a donor-stock and trigger group for the bullpup project. Already started iot, but it is unclear for me whetyher it is legal to make one on my own.
Any ideas/news/suggestions???