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When American mujahideen attack
« on: September 02, 2013, 11:11:48 PM »
In 31 American Muslim-only towns the Al-Fuqra organization headed by Sheikh Al-Gilani teaches American citizens how to ambush vehicles, cut off heads, build bombs, fire Kalashnikovs and deceive non-Muslims about their activities. The closest town to me is Islamberg NY. An NYPD mole who lived there said all the residents are awaiting a single order by Gilani; "Attack". We know that most American mosques teach Wahhabbi Islam, which is the brand of Al Qaeda, Al Shabob and the conglomerate of Sunni groups. We know that 1/4th of American Muslims support suicide bombings against civilians, and consider Jihad the pinnacle of their lives. We know that every day there are more and more jihadis in this country, in our cities and towns.

This isn't my opinion. Google the name, place and organization I listed.

 I am actually surrounded, between NYC and Philadelphia. One day, perhaps within my life time, there will be a fatwah ordering the start of violent jihad by Al-Fuqra. Our school buses will be ambushed and our children held hostage. Our municipal and state resources will be under attack. Fire, police, EMS, national guard, all targets. YOU may be on your own until friendly forces can reach you.

I live in a suburban town. It's entirely possible that most friendly forces will be sent to the cities and more populated areas, leaving my area to more or less fend for itself. An underdog prefers the path of least resistance, and may use my roads as a route of progress or egress.

This is one of the SHTF scenerios I am planning for. I expect length of operations to be "immediate to short" term. Without sustained assistance from abroad no uprising here will last very long. I expect the usual enemy TTPs (tactics, techniques, procedure) that have been used worldwide. I expect them to trade armor for mobility, as Haj most often does. Meaning, instead of a ballistic vest with plates, he will prefer a few extra AK magazines and running shoes. No "heavy" or crew-served weapons, but certainly hand-thrown explosives. Certainly sniper tactics and booby traps. Certainly small groups.

My counter measures? I have about 14 cases of MREs available, so I won't have to go out for food. Water is immediately accessible but I'll have to purify it. My strategy will be static defense awaiting friendly forces. I have enough small arms and ammunition to hold out for that, I believe. I lack a "long distance" weapon system, but from my apartment I can't see that far anyway.

Mostly I'm worried about the moment of initial attack. I've showed my wife some videos to get her into a defensive mindset. American Muslims in this country, spelling out exactly what they intend to do and how they want to do it. I showed her the examples of Moscow, Beslan, Mumbai and Boston. Mental preparedness goes a long way. Ambush counter-measures and identifying hazard areas and safe areas, cover and concealment, escape and evasion. I'll be relying on my military training and experience.

Have you considered this scenerio? Have you identified mosques in your area, or their potential targets? How close is your home to a police building or a school? Does it have a good outlook over the terrain? What are the paved and natural ways in and out of your area?
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Re: When American mujahideen attack
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2013, 09:36:27 AM »
I think if that ever comes to pass with violence initiated at that level, any Muslims life here in the US will be worth the cost of a bullet, right or wrong. 

As to prepping for it, I prep like I do for any civil unrest, we are mostly self sustained, armed to the teeth and isolated. :)
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Re: When American mujahideen attack
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2013, 11:02:50 AM »
Not going into the issue of how realistic this all may be, all I can say is that if it's just you and your wife, you may have a hard time no matter how well armed and well stocked you are.  From accounts I've read of people living through actual emergency situations in other parts of the world, every time there has been a lone holdout who had prepared and armed himself, he'd eventually be overrun.  The people that tended to survive were the ones that had backup either in the form of a large family, an extended family that could come together or even a group of individuals that banded together. 
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Re: When American mujahideen attack
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2013, 01:08:16 AM »
Spike I agree to a lot of what you said.  I didn't realize that there were all Muslim towns in the US. 

So far every thing these murders have done has been low tec.  Basically bullets and bombs.  I'm not saying they don't have any other cards to play, but world wide SO FAR that is all it's been.  Also they WANT to die, after they have terrorized, I doubt any armor will be involved. 

I don't believe they will be raiding towns, but a Beslan or Mumbai type event is very probable.  Even multiple events at the same time in the same area are probable. Look at the Boston event for a look into the official responce.

2 things have peaked my intrest lately.  1 the VX scare at JFK last month.  They later said it was finger nail polish remover, but is sent 2 people to the Hosp.  The second the gas attack in Syria.  Libya had chemical weapons and are now in the control of the same people that attacked our embassy as well as a bunch of other stuff.  With our southern border as open as it is who knows what has been brought in.  That said chemical agents are real tricky to deploy.  My money is on the bombs and bullets.

The same food preps you have for a blizzard or hurricane will work for this also.  Look at your dependence on your local infrastructure and make plans to replace it or do without it.
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Re: When American mujahideen attack
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2013, 06:37:59 PM »
 Al shabob in the news.


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Re: When American mujahideen attack
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2013, 06:07:01 PM »
I think if that ever comes to pass with violence initiated at that level, any Muslims life here in the US will be worth the cost of a bullet, right or wrong. 

This type of thinking really concerns me.  One entire side of my family is Islamic and they are the farthest thing from the extremists that would do people harm.  Actually, most Muslims despise Al Qaeda and the Taliban, etc.  Why?  Because they murder, rape, torture other Muslims all the time.  My dad is from Niger (he currently is a dual citizen of the U.S. and Niger) and the Taliban occupying the northern part of that country have "illegalized" music.  A place on the earth extremely rich with musical tradition and culture.  People are stoned, tortured, and can even be killed for publicly playing music.  Their victims are just as much other Muslims as they are Americans, if not more. 

What really terrifies me though, is that me, a 2A loving, bbq (and pork I might add) devouring, individual right LOVING American and Texan would be killed "for the cost of a bullet" by someone thinking like this.  If left alive, in such a scenario I would fight Islamic terrorists with guns and ammo personally paid for by the fruits of my own labor on this Earth.  However, if I survived that fight, the "good guys" would apparently put a bullet in me for having a "Muslim sounding name".  I don't even consider myself a practicing Muslim.  I've never been to a mosque.  I eat pork.  I drink alcohol.  I have a child out of wedlock.  But, if you simply heard my full name I'd be on your "terrorist list".  Despite the fact that we all rage on and on about how such lists are violations of privacy and the United States Constitution.  The thought of having my family harmed because of my name by people I would fight alongside against violent religious extremists makes me want to vomit.

Now, I am by no means saying there aren't Muslim extremists who want to harm Americans living within our borders.  But, I believe that regardless of religion, race, gender, age, the danger a person presents is based on their own ill will as a human being and not their belonging to a particular culture.  You know, kind of how all gun-owners aren't evil and crazy simply by virtue of owning guns, if you can imagine that.  I mean, the Muslim extremists who hate Americans would just as soon if not sooner kill Muslim-Americans whom they view as traitors.  I don't know a single Muslim in my family here or back in Niger who would stand for such attacks on innocent people. None.  As a prepper I feel extremely isolated by the fact that if a raid of violent Islamic extremists was executed on my location and I was able to successfully fend them off.  My fellow American who may find me bloodied and exhausted after the fight might just put a bullet in my head (not to mention my infant son's) just from hearing my name.  This isn't checkers, it's chess.  Everyone's not colored so plainly that you know everything about their allegiance based on how you've decided to categorize them.  I do not mean to offend anyone but obviously I'm heated about this, but for (I feel) good reasons.  The least of which is not my family's well being.
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Re: When American mujahideen attack
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2013, 07:28:00 PM »
Wish more 'good muslims' would denounce A.Q.   Part of why 'we' are a little gun-shy about Islam is that....they don't.    :shock:  We're told to "not paint all Muslims with the same brush" by our President, who aids A.Q., while at the same time asking all Americans to label Tea party/small gov't/individual rights-loving folks as 'extremists'.  It's all tied together, unfortunately...just as race the politicians and race-baiters.

Back to topic: if you saw some kind of "go-order" like this, rest assured...the S actually HAS hit the fan!   That would mean Black Panthers, Obama's little "Acorn Youth" and every other nutso organization would be taking up arms.  They would NEVER do something like this unless part of a much larger effort; it would be due to a calculated and well-thought plan of action.  At which time, they would then simply be what the others are...hostile forces of the enemy, to be treated no differently than any other. 
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Re: When American mujahideen attack
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2013, 11:47:12 PM »
Basically, a poster would hang in my window.

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Re: When American mujahideen attack
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2013, 12:00:31 PM »
This type of thinking really concerns me.  One entire side of my family is Islamic and they are the farthest thing from the extremists that would do people harm.  Actually, most Muslims despise Al Qaeda and the Taliban, etc.  Why?  Because they murder, rape, torture other Muslims all the time.
1st off, I am not advocating genocide or anything of the sort.  But I can see the backlash coming if that event should happen. Just a statement of how I think it will unfold, not looking forward to it or anything of the sort.    However if that is worrisome to you, then I suggest that your family and all Muslims here make it their main priority to seeing that an attack like that does not happen here.  By remaining silent, and knowing those elements in are their community, they are complicit if they act,  and in that situation it will be war and all that comes with it.  And it won't be the redneck racists alone doing it, it will be anyone who feels frightened enough to strike out.   Its not fair or just, but it will happen none the less.   

Unfortunately the burden is on you and your Islamic community to ferret out and isolate these people who intend ill to avoid that backlash, because they are using you as peaceful citizens as cover, just as they do in any other country.

Your fear is after fighting in defense of this country to be killed for your look or name.  The same fear exists that after fighting an attack that someone who is supposedly an ally, that looks and talks like anyone else starts killing people, and we find out they are an Islamic militant infiltrator.   You tell me how we are supposed to deal with that and how that risk could be minimized without violating your rights in that situation?   That is why if there is a group of peaceful Americans who happen to be Muslim its more than crucial to make a statement of who you are, a separation from militants, through actions and words before it comes to that.
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Re: When American mujahideen attack
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2013, 12:48:35 PM »
Wish more 'good muslims' would denounce A.Q.   Part of why 'we' are a little gun-shy about Islam is that....they don't.    :shock:

If seeing me simply post several youtube videos in response makes you roll your eyes, I know you probably won't watch them all.  At least watch the last one.
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Re: When American mujahideen attack
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2013, 05:28:57 PM »

Mohammad's Finest Pork BBQ, So good the Taliban become Christians !!!!


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Re: When American mujahideen attack
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2013, 09:27:34 PM »
I don't think you tube videos are going to do much for you if there is an attacks as being discussed.  Most Christians and people in general are openly speaking up and even counter protesting the hateful so called Christians like the Westboro Baptist Church.

We are not seeing anything like that from the Islamic community against things like CAIR, or cases of Sharia law being deferred to in US law,  nor do we hear anything about radicalized mosques, and then rarely from Muslims, until after attacks come from members of them. 
« Last Edit: September 27, 2013, 09:42:34 PM by Onepoint »
Experience is the hardest kind of teacher, it gives the test 1st and the lesson after.

Courage is knowing it may hurt and doing it anyway.
Stupidity is the same.
This is why life is so hard.

bill may

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Re: When American mujahideen attack
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2013, 09:58:12 AM »
living 10 blocks from the mosque in san diego that some of the pilots/bad muslims attended that flew planes into the WTC on 9/11/2001 i keep as much ammo on hand as i can afford. the morning of 9/11/2001 they were in the mosque parking lot cheering and celebrating. as i had not heard the news yet or seen a tv i was kinda bothered by images on tv of why they may have been celebrating. i was in nat guard and was walking san diego international airport less than a month later on active duty. M16A2 with 20 cartriges in rifle and another 20 in magazine in right pouch on LBE. spent 6 1/2 months walking lindberg field/ SD Airport.
i leave them alone and they leave me alone so far.
Mohammad's Finest Pork BBQ, So good the Taliban become Christians !!!!


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Re: When American mujahideen attack
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2013, 03:30:35 PM »
I don't think you tube videos are going to do much for you if there is an attacks as being discussed.  Most Christians and people in general are openly speaking up and even counter protesting the hateful so called Christians like the Westboro Baptist Church.

We are not seeing anything like that from the Islamic community against things like CAIR, or cases of Sharia law being deferred to in US law,  nor do we hear anything about radicalized mosques, and then rarely from Muslims, until after attacks come from members of them.


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Re: When American mujahideen attack
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2013, 08:12:29 AM »
Wish more 'good muslims' would denounce A.Q.   Part of why 'we' are a little gun-shy about Islam is that....they don't.    :shock:

If seeing me simply post several youtube videos in response makes you roll your eyes, I know you probably won't watch them all.  At least watch the last one.

I hear you.  Christians living in Middle Eastern lands probably feel the same way - that nobody will listen!  And they are not given the chance to be heard (to tell the world about how they are being oppressed).  Many fear for their very lives, unlike what Muslims in the US face.   So - I suggest the Muslim Community do some serious outreach. YouTube won't do it.  Ask Alex Jones - that forum sort of lacks credibility.  And it's a little late, since the main reason we're pissed is from over a decade ago...

The Tea Party feels the same way, too.  Millions of us out there, but the media makes it appear that there are about 2,000 of us huddling in someone's barn, plotting the rise of the South again :o)  I try to take individuals on an individual basis - something my own country will not do (I am a "Teabagger"). 

I'm sorry if many can't feel a lot of sympathy for the 'unheard Muslims' in America....maybe it's just the media, but we see a real lack of even basic human rights in Muslim nations, yet see that THIS nation does everything to deny that there is a real terror problem within that religion ("workplace violence", y'know).  I would never DREAM of spouting my Christianity from the rooftops of Damascus (safely)...forgive me for not being that concerned that Islam isn't being heard properly in the USA.   It's not for lack of assistance at the highest levels!   :shock:  I'm actually shocked that anti-Islam sentiment is not higher - they hate us over there (support of Israel, drones, bombings...), and we should be quite hateful of them here after 9/11 1 and 2.

The best way to receive the support of this nation is to be gay, atheist, Islamic, bisexual, female/abused or a minority.    As none of those, I just don't have the heart to feel very bad.   :dontknow:

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