Finally, I want to say that my whole point really is what you said: to take individuals on an individual basis. In a similar conversation on another forum, I pointed out to someone who said they would shoot anyone who looked "Islamic" on sight (at their property) in a post SHTF situation that 1) Islam is a religion not a race and I've met white American Muslims that you would never know outwardly were Muslims until they told you, and 2) Good, godfearing white Americans are just as capable of smiling at you to enter your home "looking for shelter" and kill the men and rape the women when you least expect it. Individual basis. You should require everyone to EARN your trust and grant it blindly to no one and, conversely, blindly condemn no one. After all, the guy in the turban may simply be coming by to share his own supplies with his community in hard times as is instructed in his own religious scripture.
I hope I've not too terribly antagonized anyone here as I enjoy these boards and appreciate you guys being honest with your opinions on this matter in this thread.
No antagonism - well-thought debate is great, and you've said/done nothing wrong whatsoever! If SHTF, I'd be a lot more worried about ANY person who was armed or coming into my area rather than what color his skin was, LOL.
Well, Salif, taking people 1 on 1 is about all anyone CAN do, isn't it?
In general, we ALL pre-judge what other groups are like...some locals in Syria or Abbottabad probably would make some assumptions about what a guy that looks like me is doing walking down their street. And many here will assume some things about a brown-skinned M.E. looking guy doing the same.
The real 'interaction' occurs when you ACT. And HOW. I feel we're ALL pawns of the elite class; taught to feel a certain way for reasons of agenda. They SAY "oh, accept your islamic bro's and sis's..." but put out there daily how DANGEROUS that part of the world is. And they tell you how dangerous the Tea Party is - when there have been NO PROBLEMS from people in it.
NONE. In fact, today, we are MURDERERS for opposing Obamacare. So, propaganda? You bet!
I'd like to see us get the hell away from the M.E., personally. I know our alliance with Israel was the major push to get us on the crap list over there, but now BEING there with troops and drones MUST create so much hatred it's not even imaginable. (picture Chinese drones suddenly killing people you knew outside a local bar....). There is not much for us to gain by continuing. The longer we do these things, the less and less 'moral imperative' we have, IMHO. The situation is being manipulated by our politicians and used against US, for sure. In just another little while, we'll lose all our freedoms HERE because of this eternal involvement in war.
Perhaps that is part of the agenda?