Ok... I understand how to do it... I just can't figure out WHY I have to do it. I'm sure this has been discussed adnauseum, but I'm
still scratching my head why the addition of a 20 rd mag instead of the stock ten rd mag for example, necessitates the addition of other replacement parts ( no idea why the total outlay would be ) which might make the rifle more like an assault weapon which is what the government doesn't want. Another example, my eyes have seen better days. One hundred yard shots, maybe 150 yards on a silhouette target, would be a lot easier with a low powered scope. In addition to the multiple issues with a scope mount, it seems that one addition as well, would set off a chain reaction of sorts requiring additional changes to be 922r compliant.
Has their ever been a successful confiscation/prosecution involving an SKS... ? and I'm not talking a conversion to a full auto with a 100 rd drum on it. IMHO, the government has a whole lot of problems with which to spend that money. Not to mention, there's no doubt in my mind that law enforcement ( retired and active ) and ex military would be on the front line defending the very country that might prosecute them.. I'm hoping that this is like a spitting on the sidewalk type law.. its there but no one has heard of a prosecution. And yes, I do realize no one wants to be the first to find out.