I am coming to this thread a bit late;
As to the matter originally posted, the friend who has the theory that the x39 will simply poke a hole and that the person shot will be fully functional in short order is completely wrong;
He seems to be focusing on the size of the hole, completely ignoring the energy generate by the velocity; it;s as if he is picturing a spike which is shoved into and though the body at human speed- 80-90 feet per second- instead of a projectile of the same .30 diameter which is traveling at 2,400 feet per second, with the attendant energy involved.
Any mid-thoratic cavity hit from pretty much any x39 is going to carry with it a tremendous amount of energy; a lot of that energy will be dispersed upon impact with the mostly water form that is the human body;
Even if nothing vital is hit (which in a chest shot is unlikely, as there are a lot of things there to hit) , the energy transfer alone is going to cause a fair amount of damage, which may or may not be immediately incapacitating to the person shot; rest assured, they may stop right then, they may not; but they will be stopping soon.
A word about the deer vs person comparison; it's not entirely invalid; upon the initial impact, the body release enormous amounts of adrenaline, which will cause pain to go unnoticed and which will allow a brief period of high energy activity; this may be somewhat bolstered by the presence of some type of drug, like khat, or ampetamines, or cocaine; this is short lived, however, and as the shock take over, function decreases.
A person, any person, who takes a .30 rifle shot to the chest, even if it's a clean through and through, is hurting, and they are going to be out pf action quickly; I have seen it on more than one occasion, in real life, in real time.