Sometimes life just gets in the way of full prepping. A horrible, lame, pathetic excuse I know but it's where I am at. It's always one thing or another that sucks up my time, money and my extremely limited storage space. Again, lame but my reality at the moment. My wife isn't into it either so that makes extra time/money expenditures and space allocation on prepping items more difficult because it takes away from other things she would like such as the kitchen remodelling I'm almost done with, reasonable family vacations every couple of years, college funds for the kids, the horses in the back yard, etc.
I have some basic stuff like common caliber guns (.22, 9mm, .45, 7.62x39) and half decent ammo stores, bows and arrows, hunting and survival knives, backpacks and camping gear, etc. So I'm not completely clueless or helpless but not really well setup for a long term or permanent shtf situation.
Snow/ice is nothing new here and this year the snow has been crazy. Some years we get very little, some years we get a lot of sleet/freezing rain which is far worse than snow to deal with IMHO. A good snowblower and fresh gas and working generator kind of goes without saying in any northern climate. I have an older but good working snowmobile too which helps and the horses could be used as transportation too. Finding food and water for them could be an issue if power was gone as most things are covered with several feet of snow and frozen up (we have a heater in the water tank by the barn).
Be careful on those icy roads, don't take chances if you don't have too, especially if your area doesn't have the resources to plow/treat the roads. If you get into a crash and the roads are a mess you may be waiting a long time for rescue/EMTs to get to you.