OK, guys
HERE ARE THE RULES FOR ALL OF THE COMPETITIONS: We posted there here as a sticky so that people can refer to them without sifting through the SHOOT thread to find them; if you have questions about the rules, please contact
Ranger1968 via PM...
LONG RANGE RIFLE COMPETITION: For the long range rifle comp, we will be using
NRA High-Power 500 yard MR-65 targets; the targets have a 30" black scoring area and measure 37"x37" total;
These targets will be provided for the scoring round of the competition only, you must use your own targets for zeroing.
. For the comp, you will need maybe 30 rounds at the most (depending on how we do the eliminations) along with whatever shooting gear you need;
For the rifle setup: remember this is open class, so any longer range setup regardless of caliber/make/optic is allowed; shooting is from the prone, with NO rests, bags, pads, bi pods, or any other bracing device used except for a sling....
COMBAT MARKSMAN COMPETITION: This competition will be shot at a single steel reactive target from distances ranging from 350 yards to 200 yards from various shooting postions that replicate combat positions; a rooftop, a log, a window, and other positions may be used or substituted; This course shot for TIME, with the shooter moving from position to position, advancing after hitting the target; the best time on target wins.
There is a 30 round limit for this competition. You rifle set up is open-class, any center fire rifle , optic, etc,
RESTS/BIPODS/BAGS ARE ALLOWED PISTOL COMPETITION: The pistol comp it will be a " run n' gun," with the shooter moving from station to station shooting a variety of reactive targets, advancing as they hit the targets. The best time wins.
This competition is
limited to 30 rounds.
For your handgun setup:; centerfire handgun
in stock form, no optics, no race guns, this is a timed event, and remember that the handgun course is mildly physical, and that appropriate dress is required ;
you will need 20 rounds at most; this comp will be shot on the smaller NRA targets or a similar 100-yard target; The competition is shot from them classic sitting/kneeling/prone position, using only a sling as a marksmanship aid.
SKS rifles are to be IN STOCK FORM, with no aftermarket stocks, magazines, sights, scopes, or optics * (Tech Sights/Mojo/Williams type sights permitted)
VINTAGE RIFLE COMPETITION: Pre-1946 military surplus rifles, in stock form; no optics, aftermarket stocks, "sporters" etc..... * For clarity, and so as not to split hairs about grammar and exactly what "pre 1946 " means, we mean that
a center fire military surplus rifle in original form made prior to December 31 1946 may be used; any rifle which was made after December 31 1946 may
NOT be used.
Shooting is from the classic sitting/kneeling/ prone; your will need 10 to 15 rounds ;this comp is also shot on the 100 yard NRA targets or an equivalent...