Thanks for the great videos RV! You captured the event very well. Also thanks for your many tips on rifle shooting.
I gotta say that watching myself compete was tough on the ego.
The first time I realized how amazingly unprepared I was for any of the Rifle Competitions was when we were sighting in and warming up for the long range rifle competition. I must admit that I had the feeling that my many years of going to the range once in a while and reading stuff off the internet had made me into at least a competent rifleman.
How wrong I was! I was faced with a choice: Put my rifles away and watch or suck it up and compete anyway. I figured that watching was not going to teach me as much as going through the competition was, so I chose to compete. I am a firm believer that failure is a good teacher if you listen well. I was learning fast during all of the competitions
Of course, I have the usual list of excuses (my rifle is not set for this, the course is too hard, my neck hurts, the sun was in my eyes, there is too much wind), but the primary factor in any shot is the rifleman and I was just not up to the task. So I am starting a journey to improve my rifle skills, and March will be my next exam