Is D. Trump going to reignite the war with North Korea? He referred to a dinner with his generals as "the calm before the storm." When asked "what storm, Mr. President", he replied cryptically "You'll see..."
Is this just more "good cop, bad cop" foreign policy, meant to let the Norks know he's unhinged, thereby intimidating them, or does he really have something in mind?
Looking back over the course of his presidency, Trump doesn't really need an excuse to bomb North Korea, or even Iran, other than it's not what Obama would do.. Trump's main policy seems to be undoing the policies of others. He has already said that he "would not fail" where other presidents have failed in regards to North Korea.
I'm sure Trump has a level headed, even handed strategy for dealing with North Korea, based on sound policy and logic.
What do you all think? Time to warm up the old bomb shelter?