It's a dangerous situation, I remember the Cuban Missle Crisis too and it was acting like we weren't kidding by a President that the previous year came off as a fool with The Bay of Pigs that got us out of that. China stands to loose too much with it's economy and war with it's biggest customer and North Korea has to know that. Kim might like to play with fire and act like the little tough guy to his masses but would he risk his life, all his comforts and power by provoking the most powerful military on the planet and an American President that some think is a fool and he just can't figure out?
Kim might be smart enough to know, history repeats itself.
NK, despite all their bluster, was never going to start a war.. (not intentionally at least)... They are not a moral nation, but they are not stupid, how many warheads the US has, and the capabilities to deliver them, accurately, with in a matter of minutes, to any spot on the globe isn't exactly a state secret..
They like their little hermit kingdom, and their Dom' Perigone, and their Scandinavian hookers way too much..
But they remain convinced that the way to further entrench their power is to develop thermonuclear weapons, and the means to deliver them.
One could argue, perhaps, that they aren't wrong..
One thing for certain is that all of Trump's bluster, has done
zilch, to stop them.. Their programs to create nuclear material doubled this year, and it's not exactly news that they are progressing rapidly with missile tests.
You may have convinced yourself that Trump's Twitter tirades are a genious application of the "Good cop bad cop routine" with Rex Tillerson.
I am not convinced that isn't staring into an ink-blot and finding the most comfortable picture you can see... The easiest person to BS is always yourself...
even if, it's not working...