Just as an aside, I always wondered just what would a head "halo" do if it was an actual head dress of some sort. A RF micro wave blocker of sorts? Lots to speculate here since I for one don't trust the Government Agencies in the first place.
I sent this to a friend of mine who happens to be a very smart retired Physics Teacher and this was his review of the material:
" Ok Walter, I watched this several times, and I have to tell you that there are many questions that need to be asked. First of all he uses DNA and RNA interchangeably. They are related but differ in a basic protein base called uracil. Next there are two types of RNA. He is not clear if it’s one or both types involved. As you might remember I have a pretty good physics background. He uses a detailed account of fragments of these structures possessing ‘resonant frequencies’ and the production of light (which can have many different frequencies). Simply stated the absorption and/or transmission of light (and electricity) are normal functions of cell tissue. We have known this since the 1920s. From there he makes some huge assumptions about the abilities of cells to assimilate structures using elements that cells normally will not use because of differences in their oxidation numbers.
I’m not saying that his hypotheses are not worth investigating, but he uses a few scattered examples to support his ‘facts’. Example: light fingerprint of DNA.
I would like to see someone question him on his evidence and how he drew his conclusions. This presentation has enough science to make it interesting, but has too many loose ends to totally buy. "