During the after action report at the October event, a brief discussion ensued about what the theme for the next one should be. The one for March 2020 is pretty much decided as it will be the 10th anniversary of the event and the 21st event overall, but next year's was still up in the air.
Glenn asked me as a historian if I could think of anything significant that happened in March, but other than the Ides of March assassination of Caesar (which I am not a fan of
) I really couldn't think of anything. I vowed to try to think of something however.
Well, now that I've had some time to do some cursory research, I've come up with a few historical events that might fit. Not all of these are necessarily adaptable, but I'm including them in case they inspire someone to think of something else.
So here are the historical events in March that we could consider.
March 1918 Spanish Influenza outbreak.
March 2, 1836 Texas declares independence from Mexico
March 3, 1931 Star Spangled Banner becomes national anthem.
March 3 1991 Iraq accepts terms of cease fire ending 1991 gulf war
March 4, 1789 U.S. Constitution goes into effect
March 5, 1770 Boston Massacre
March 6, 1836 The Alamo Falls
March 6, 1475 Michelangelo born (not the Ninja Turtle).
March 9, Battle of Hampton Roads, U.S. Civil War between the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia (USS Merrimack)
March 11, 1861 Confederate Constitution officially adopted.
March 12, 538 Belisarius defeats the Goths ending the first Siege of Rome during the Gothic War.
March 12, 1938 Nazi invasion of Austria
March 15, 44 BC Julius Caesar assassinated (by liberals?)
March 19, 1848 Wyatt Earp born
March 21, 1918 Second battle of the Somme begins (World War I)
March 23, 1775 Patrick Henry makes his “Give me liberty or give me death!” speech.
March 24, 1944 The Great Escape (World War II)
March 28, 1979 Three Mile Island nuclear accident
Of particular note here are the "give me liberty or give me death!" speech and the great escape, as they will probably be taking place around the time of the next event (based on previous dates).
I'm partial to the idea of using The Great Escape as not only will it take place around that time, but Sunday the 24th, will actually be the 75th anniversary of the event. Maybe we could have a special comp with World War II model rifles or something. Still, I'd like to hear some opinions.
Of course I do have to stress that Ranger will make the final decision on this, and it will not necessarily be forthcoming until we're a bit closer to the dates so this is not an official vote of any kind, just an open discussion.