Don't mean to beat this to death but... Just got my first SKS. It's a Chinese letter gun with non matching numbers and no bayonet. It came with a US poly stock and a 5 round attached mag but the rest of the rifle are foreign parts. The mag probably is too since I've never heard of a US made fixed mag. I don't want to spend $200 + to make it '10 parts or less' US made. I don't want a folding stock or detachable mags or any other 'Bubba' stuff. I like it just the way it is. The only way it seems I can do that, after reading most all the questions and answers on this forum would be to replace the US poly stock and get an SKS stock to be compliant. Assuming that to be true, can I put any old SKS stock on it or would it have to be just the Chinese blade stock? I would think that any foreign stock would suffice but would like some opinions. I'm looking at a Yugo blade stock but a spike stock would suit me just as well since this rifle is not a 'collector'. I don't think matching numbers would make it shoot any better so it's fine 'as is' with me.