Good Grief..... I wasted my time watching half that Flat earth ridiculousness. I don't have to make a vid. Go up to Mt Washington, do a 360 at the horizon and .... Earth looks pretty round from up there. Go on a Ferry boat from Cap May NJ to Lewes DE. Its 16 miles across the Chesapeake bay and about 1.5 hour trip. Funny how even on the 2nd deck, YOU CANT SEE THE LAND for a fair amount of time during a good part of that 1.5 hours!
Please lets do science on my post or even theories but flat earth....... no.... Good Lord no.
I have heard the Mt. Washington comment from others in the past. Since I have been at altitudes just over 40,000 feet for sustained periods in my military days, I think I have Mt. Washington beat. Never have I seen any curvature! I remember thinking that everything appeared very flat but never attributed it to a flat Earth until a few years ago when a friend was telling me about it.
Science and mathematics have always been special to me. As a master electrician with a 1st class FCC license, I based a career upon them.
The problem is that much of the "science" we have been taught, is not based in fact but in theory. Few of these have been proven and when evidence comes to light that contradicts them, another theory is quickly brought forth to save the first.
Mathematics on the other hand is where the proof can be found one way or the other.
As for the 16 mile trip across the Chesapeake Bay, if you use a telescope placed on the shore on one side, objects can be brought into view from the other side. On occasions where the atmosphere is very clear, they may be visible with the naked eye. On such days, claims are made that the objects being viewed are a mirage by those not yet enlightened. This would not be possible if the Earth is a globe. Hell, even the scientists can't agree on it's shape.
Here is is described by Neil DeGrasse-Tyson as being pear shaped: that is so, why do we keep seeing it depicted as a perfect sphere by groups like NASA?
It is difficult for most to accept they likely have been victims of indoctrination. When you examine the education system carefully, it is easy to conclude that independent thought is frowned upon. Those who dare to venture forth challenging the status quo are generally not debated but instead are vilified and ridiculed.
Perhaps you would find an actual debate between a flat Earther and an astrophysicist more enlightening. Admittedly, this link is to one where the "scientist" only becomes less impressive as the debate progresses. Worth watching if you are intrigued even a little.
Forgot to post link originally, but here it is: be it known that millions of people worldwide are becoming aware of the global hoax and realizing that is all part of the plan to convince us that we are tiny and insignificant. This opposes most religious beliefs which teach that each of us is important in God's plan and that he knows each of us as individuals. Many of the organized religions have been corrupted for hundreds of years and went along with the globe theory simply to maintain their status and control over a specific population.
It is easier to control a population if they have no belief in a higher power which may explain why religion is being attacked constantly by those in power.
The Big Bang, evolution, gravity, string theory, dark matter, etc.... All examples of theories that are unproven, yet accepted by the "scientific community". These are the same fools that gave us "global warming" and then have the audacity to think it can be controlled or influenced by man.
Even at my age, I try to learn something new whenever possible. Fought this one for a long time before submitting to the truth.
Trust only what you see, feel, hear, and touch. Question everything.