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Interesting Beck interview on pole shift & more
« on: January 15, 2020, 12:36:44 PM »
 Hello all.... I listened to most of this interview today and found it an interesting update to what little I know about this very real subject. One take away out of it all is the guy " Ben Davidson" summarized the next major pole shift may very well be forewarned by a collapsing electrical grid in the south American continent, centered in Brazil. The interesting part is it seems to me from the way he talked about it is you wont need a serious EMP generated solar storm to initiate the grid melt down. Rather it would be the result of the effect of the South Atlantic Anomaly that is growing in intensity quite quickly. Davidson claimed that if the global models are correct, Brazil will be the "canary in the mine". Anyway, its an easy listen to as far as Science in a comprehendible dialog. Enjoy it.
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Re: Interesting Beck interview on pole shift & more
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2020, 08:21:35 PM »
Has anyone told AOC about this??
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Re: Interesting Beck interview on pole shift & more
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2020, 09:47:53 AM »
Nothing to worry about! The Earth is as flat and stationary as it seems. Pilots are trained to treat it as such! Geometry can be used to calculate the alleged curvature but observations which are repeatable and consistent have shown no curvature exists!

Trust yourself and question everything.

Yeah, there are likely a few that will berate me for this post. I have looked into this extensively and have been unable to dispute it logically. Here is just a sample of some interesting observations.


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Re: Interesting Beck interview on pole shift & more
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2020, 01:49:09 PM »
Nothing to worry about! The Earth is as flat and stationary as it seems. Pilots are trained to treat it as such! Geometry can be used to calculate the alleged curvature but observations which are repeatable and consistent have shown no curvature exists!

Trust yourself and question everything.

Yeah, there are likely a few that will berate me for this post. I have looked into this extensively and have been unable to dispute it logically. Here is just a sample of some interesting observations.


Good Grief..... I wasted my time watching half that Flat earth ridiculousness. I don't have to make a vid. Go up to Mt Washington, do a 360 at the horizon and .... Earth looks pretty round from up there. Go on a Ferry boat from Cap May NJ to Lewes DE. Its 16 miles across the Chesapeake bay and about 1.5 hour trip. Funny how even on the 2nd deck, YOU CANT SEE THE LAND for a fair amount of time during a good part of that 1.5 hours! 
  Please lets do science on my post or even theories but flat earth....... no.... Good Lord no.
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Re: Interesting Beck interview on pole shift & more
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2020, 03:45:33 PM »
Good Grief..... I wasted my time watching half that Flat earth ridiculousness. I don't have to make a vid. Go up to Mt Washington, do a 360 at the horizon and .... Earth looks pretty round from up there. Go on a Ferry boat from Cap May NJ to Lewes DE. Its 16 miles across the Chesapeake bay and about 1.5 hour trip. Funny how even on the 2nd deck, YOU CANT SEE THE LAND for a fair amount of time during a good part of that 1.5 hours! 
  Please lets do science on my post or even theories but flat earth....... no.... Good Lord no.

I have heard the Mt. Washington comment from others in the past. Since I have been at altitudes just over 40,000 feet for sustained periods in my military days, I think I have Mt. Washington beat. Never have I seen any curvature! I remember thinking that everything appeared very flat but never attributed it to a flat Earth until a few years ago when a friend was telling me about it.

Science and mathematics have always been special to me. As a master electrician with a 1st class FCC license, I based a career upon them.

The problem is that much of the "science" we have been taught, is not based in fact but in theory. Few of these have been proven and when evidence comes to light that contradicts them, another theory is quickly brought forth to save the first.

Mathematics on the other hand is where the proof can be found one way or the other.

As for the 16 mile trip across the Chesapeake Bay, if you use a telescope placed on the shore on one side, objects can be brought into view from the other side. On occasions where the atmosphere is very clear, they may be visible with the naked eye. On such days, claims are made that the objects being viewed are a mirage by those not yet enlightened. This would not be possible if the Earth is a globe. Hell, even the scientists can't agree on it's shape.

Here is is described by Neil DeGrasse-Tyson as being pear shaped:

If that is so, why do we keep seeing it depicted as a perfect sphere by groups like NASA?

It is difficult for most to accept they likely have been victims of indoctrination. When you examine the education system carefully, it is easy to conclude that independent thought is frowned upon. Those who dare to venture forth challenging the status quo are generally not debated but instead are vilified and ridiculed.

Perhaps you would find an actual debate between a flat Earther and an astrophysicist more enlightening. Admittedly, this link is to one where the "scientist" only becomes less impressive as the debate progresses. Worth watching if you are intrigued even a little.

Forgot to post link originally, but here it is:

Also be it known that millions of people worldwide are becoming aware of the global hoax and realizing that is all part of the plan to convince us that we are tiny and insignificant. This opposes most religious beliefs which teach that each of us is important in God's plan and that he knows each of us as individuals. Many of the organized religions have been corrupted for hundreds of years and went along with the globe theory simply to maintain their status and control over a specific population.

It is easier to control a population if they have no belief in a higher power which may explain why religion is being attacked constantly by those in power.

The Big Bang, evolution, gravity, string theory, dark matter, etc.... All examples of theories that are unproven, yet accepted by the "scientific community". These are the same fools that gave us "global warming" and then have the audacity to think it can be controlled or influenced by man.
Even at my age, I try to learn something new whenever possible. Fought this one for a long time before submitting to the truth.

Trust only what you see, feel, hear, and touch. Question everything.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2020, 08:10:43 AM by GuitarmanNick »


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Re: Interesting Beck interview on pole shift & more
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2020, 11:33:18 PM »
 I have questioned much.... and flat earther, I am not. As for NASA, I do believe they are a good portion of BS in what they propose they have done and are doing. Just a few years ago, they hired top techs in green screen tech. Smoke n Mirrors is NASA's call sign IMO but flat earth, no, not going there. Way, way too much hooks up with global theory/science.
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Re: Interesting Beck interview on pole shift & more
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2020, 08:14:12 AM »
Maybe not convinced of the flat Earth yet, but your mind is open enough to see some of the deceit being perpetrated upon us daily.

There is still hope for you xtriggerman.  8)


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Re: Interesting Beck interview on pole shift & more
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2020, 12:43:06 PM »
  OK, If your absolutely convinced the earth is of a flat geometry answer this simple question. If a plane flies in a straight line, how is it they end up where they began? Surly, pilots would be all flat earthers if their flights were not global. Why has no one pictured the "edge" or if there is no edge, why are new land masses not being discovered in these great endless distances?
 Heres one guys opinion of flight at 51,000'.

 And I have to call BS on the over the ocean with a high power telescope you can see the distant lands. When our kids were children, My wife & I would go to Virginia Beach. We would all ways book ocean front balconies on the highest floor of the hotel. As many may know there is ALOT of ocean traffic going in and out of the Chesapeake bay. I had brought my Bushnell 48 fixed power spotting scope on a number of occasions to watch the Navy ships from the balcony. One thing I stumbled on is I couldn't tell if the huge oil tankers were high or low in the water until they were close enough. The empty ones lasted longer before they disappeared all together on the horizon as opposed to full ones. Flat earth is just not a credible argument to me at least. I can go into parallel dimensions and Alien life without flinching but flat earth...... naw, nope.... not me!
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Re: Interesting Beck interview on pole shift & more
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2020, 01:10:50 PM »
What causes a crescent moon?  If the Earth was flat, the only time the moon would have a rounded shadow from the Earth is when it was directly overhead and the sun on the opposite side.  Otherwise the Earth's shadow would look like - instead of o.  How does a solar eclipse work?  I guess the Sun and Moon are also flat.  Oranges are flat.  Baseballs are flat.  My head is flat.  My tire is flat (ok, maybe just low)

If you still believe in a flat Earth in this day and age, I'm not going to waste much time trying to convince you otherwise.  The reason more folks haven't chimed in on this issue is not because they're all believers, it's because if you think there is a global conspiracy to hide that the Earth is flat, you're pretty much a lost cause.

Maybe I've just been drinking the global Earth kool-aid for too long...  :roll:
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Re: Interesting Beck interview on pole shift & more
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2020, 11:39:19 AM »
What causes a crescent moon?  If the Earth was flat, the only time the moon would have a rounded shadow from the Earth is when it was directly overhead and the sun on the opposite side.  Otherwise the Earth's shadow would look like - instead of o.  How does a solar eclipse work?  I guess the Sun and Moon are also flat.  Oranges are flat.  Baseballs are flat.  My head is flat.  My tire is flat (ok, maybe just low)

If you still believe in a flat Earth in this day and age, I'm not going to waste much time trying to convince you otherwise.  The reason more folks haven't chimed in on this issue is not because they're all believers, it's because if you think there is a global conspiracy to hide that the Earth is flat, you're pretty much a lost cause.

Maybe I've just been drinking the global Earth kool-aid for too long...  :roll:

Take another look at the photo on the site. Hold a straight edge along the horizon and you will find it is perfectly straight. The angle at which the photo was taken created an optical illusion! This is how the deceit is perpetrated.


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Re: Interesting Beck interview on pole shift & more
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2020, 01:41:20 PM »
Nothing to worry about! The Earth is as flat and stationary as it seems. Pilots are trained to treat it as such! Geometry can be used to calculate the alleged curvature but observations which are repeatable and consistent have shown no curvature exists!

Trust yourself and question everything.

Yeah, there are likely a few that will berate me for this post. I have looked into this extensively and have been unable to dispute it logically. Here is just a sample of some interesting observations.


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Re: Interesting Beck interview on pole shift & more
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2020, 01:44:06 PM »


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Re: Interesting Beck interview on pole shift & more
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2020, 02:15:02 PM »
   So much for a constructive conversation on the possibilities of what pole shift can mean to all our SHTF preparations....
Maybe because I wasn't involved in the Flat Earther search in Tin Foil?  Well, I fix that so just now. Gezzzz
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Re: Interesting Beck interview on pole shift & more
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2020, 03:49:04 PM »
Since this is NOT a flat earth thread :) I'll comment here. 

Brazil is a long transmission country.  Long transmission is susceptible to outside interference, like a shifting magnetic field.  I would expect long lines far away from the equator to be the most risky with a magnetic shift.  Like many grid failures around the world in the past, one failure shuts down transmission and anything downstream is dead. A thousand years later, just fix the failure, grid be back. 
Small changes of the magnetic poles would have more impact near the poles and less near the equator.   
Play with a bar magnet. 
The impact would be along the lines of a quick flip, which could happen as the poles move further and further away from the physical rotational poles. 

The flip can be accelerated if the poles become diametrically imbalanced, drift toward the rotational equator making a giant alternator, or a toroidal stall.

The earth's magnetic field is created by constantly moving core material.
A change in the direction of internal flow, or bubbles, could shift, flip, or even cancel itself out. 

The problem with grid failures is knowing which of the many threats actually caused it.

Well I guess my new **** stirrin paddle don't work . I got a like . WTF 😈

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Re: Interesting Beck interview on pole shift & more
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2020, 12:46:06 PM »
Since this is NOT a flat earth thread :) I'll comment here. 

Brazil is a long transmission country.  Long transmission is susceptible to outside interference, like a shifting magnetic field.  I would expect long lines far away from the equator to be the most risky with a magnetic shift.  Like many grid failures around the world in the past, one failure shuts down transmission and anything downstream is dead. A thousand years later, just fix the failure, grid be back. 
Small changes of the magnetic poles would have more impact near the poles and less near the equator.   
Play with a bar magnet. 
The impact would be along the lines of a quick flip, which could happen as the poles move further and further away from the physical rotational poles. 

The flip can be accelerated if the poles become diametrically imbalanced, drift toward the rotational equator making a giant alternator, or a toroidal stall.

The earth's magnetic field is created by constantly moving core material.
A change in the direction of internal flow, or bubbles, could shift, flip, or even cancel itself out. 

The problem with grid failures is knowing which of the many threats actually caused it.

 Thanks for putting this back on track so to speak RV.  Now see If I have this right. I think what the actual mechanics of this phenomena is , its a fact that both the north & south magnetic poles are accelerating their drift. The drift is a normal situation but the drift happens to be a closing of the distances between the north & south magnetic centers, there for, on the opposite side of the world, the distance between the 2 magnetic centers is becoming a further distance. The center of this "further distance" is where the earths magnetic field is waning (weaker).  That area happens to start at the tip of South Africa and ends over in Brazil Argentina. The closer the magnetic fields migrate towards each other, the weaker the protective blanket of magnetic field becomes of those mentioned areas. At some point, even minor EMP's from solar mass coronal ejections will have the ability to wipe out the grid components within those specific countries mentioned.  Sorry to use you as a sounding board RV, but does that sound like whats going on? It seems to me Davidson is more concerned with the scale of the South Atlantic Anomaly since the closing distances of the magnetic poles is relatively minor compared to the growing size of the long transmission area that you have dubbed it. Maybe this low gravitational area will become smaller in the future just as the Ozone hole of just a couple decades ago did. Back then, all the science thought the Ozone hole was not going to go away so rapidly, as it did. 
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