So here we are a few months later and it's still kind of a mystery. We did learn there will be an amnesty on the tax. I have a feeling that is their thinly veiled plan for getting as many legal guns on their registry as possible. Some states don't allow long guns to be carried concealed or transported in the cab of a car, SBR or not. (Some of those states don't even carve out for LEOs using their privately owned, department approved gun for duty.) That's a deal breaker for a lot of people. If I had one of these, I would simply take the brace off the pistol before May.
If I understand the law correctly, they are not making these braces illegal, just making it illegal to have on a pistol. So they can still be possessed and placed on rifles, but not on pistols. Please correct me if I'm wrong here!
There is a lot of movement happening right now on Ammendment 2. I wouldn't be shocked to see the NFA and GCA ruled out of existence in the next 2 or 3 years. Flip side to that, I wouldn't be shocked to see another AWB passed, bigger and badder this time, with no sunset. I wouldn't even be completely shocked if we got the latter before we get the former.
Exciting times we live in.