Author Topic: Someone on Gunbroker has SKS receivers for sale  (Read 932 times)

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Someone on Gunbroker has SKS receivers for sale
« on: June 04, 2024, 10:55:16 PM »
Hey guys, I was on Gunbroker and spotted an interesting auction.  The title of the auction is "20” Barreled SKS receivers" and it looks like we now know where all the spare Chinese receivers went.   :shock:

This guy says he's selling about 30 receivers individually for $175 each (a bit high IMO) but he's willing to cut deals for more.  They're all Chinese and in different states.  In the single (low res) picture he has, it looks like a lot of them are missing their front sight group.  I'm wondering if any of these came from the Gatling gun.   :lol:

Even with the relatively high price I might think of getting a few, but I really shouldn't be spending too much right now.  He did mention he has a few other parts for sale too but you have to contact him.

I have no ties to this seller and don't even know who it is (might even be someone on this board).  Just passing it along since I know many here have been looking for these.

I am the one they call Cesar.