Author Topic: 10 or less rule and Tapco T6?  (Read 4415 times)

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10 or less rule and Tapco T6?
« on: August 11, 2006, 02:42:03 AM »
Ok, so I'm expecting a Tapco T6 any day now in the mail. I've got a 1965 manufactured Norinco Type 56 that came with the spike bayo. I live in TX, so local laws aren't much of an issue  8) . Is there anything else I need to replace with US made parts to make it legal with the T6 stock? Thanks, guys.


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10 or less rule and Tapco T6?
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2006, 10:28:51 AM »
Yes, you need all the other TAPCO parts for this rifle; operating rod and gas piston.  Additionally, you will need an authentic Made in the USA magazine to win the "game".


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10 or less rule and Tapco T6?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2006, 11:22:26 AM »
Yup.  You'll need a US-made magazine, which counts for 3 parts:  magazine, floorplate, and follower.  US-made gas-tube, gas piston, and operating rod will be needed.

Doesn't matter what the laws are in Texas, this is FEDERAL law -- it must be 922r compliant if you put that T6 stock on it.


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Re: 10 or less rule and Tapco T6?
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2006, 12:01:43 PM »
Quote from: Wraith
Ok, so I'm expecting a Tapco T6 any day now in the mail. I've got a 1965 manufactured Norinco Type 56 that came with the spike bayo. I live in TX, so local laws aren't much of an issue  8) . Is there anything else I need to replace with US made parts to make it legal with the T6 stock? Thanks, guys.

By the way, you probably will have to remove the bayonet when you remove the SKS from your residence.  Texas does have laws as to the length of knives, swords, etc.  The spike bayonet is not a legal length.  There is some question as to whether you can legally "carry" that bayonet but that has to do with having a CHL and in possession of a concealed hand gun .  For further info, see this link:

Good luck.



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10 or less rule and Tapco T6?
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2006, 05:31:59 PM »
Interesting link.  I read most of it, and I have to agree that a CHL does not allow you to carry an illegal knife or club.  However, ยง46.15 (3) and (4) would work.  The bayonet on the SKS is part of the rifle, and is definitely a type of weapon commonly used in recreational shooting.  So it would not be illegal to have the bayonet on it while en route to the range and back.


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10 or less rule and Tapco T6?
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2006, 07:55:37 PM »
Sniper, some Norinco SKS were originally imported with a bayonet, some not or at least were not allowed to leave the import impoundment area with that bayonet attached.  However, the one in question is being modified differently from the way it was legally imported.  It will no longer be considered an "imported" SKS but a US manufactured.  I may be wrong, but I believe there is a possibility it loses its imported status with the Federal protection granted that bayonet.  Additionally, I know of no sporting event that might occur at the shooting range that includes the use of a bayonet.  Thus, Texas may not agree one can attach a bayonet onto a US made rifle.

Additionally, we all know a State can override the legal status granted by the Feds.

Just my thoughts.



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10 or less rule and Tapco T6?
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2006, 02:02:35 AM »
Well crap...looks like I'm going to have to drop another $50 to make this thing legal... there's a T6 compliance kit on that only replaces the gas tube piston, the operating rod, and the magazine fora  total of 8 compliance parts. They don't say anything about having to replace the gas tube, though. Thanks for the help, guys. I appreciate any and all advice you have to offer!


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10 or less rule and Tapco T6?
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2006, 11:02:29 AM »
The gas piston and operating rod are all you need if you already have the USA made stock, pistol grip, and fore grip.  At Tapco they total $34. I do not know of anyone that sells a USA made gas tube.  With a real USA made magazine your foreign made items are either a 10 or 9 depending on how you count "disconnectors".  Either way, you win the game.  Read up on the magazine though because most have not had any luck with the plastic ones.  According to my research, the $35-$40 USA manuf. magazine is the best and is available at sksman.  Just be sure you get that USA mag because it is worth 3 points.  Without that, you lose the game!


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10 or less rule and Tapco T6?
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2006, 11:11:19 PM » sells an American made gas tube for both Yugo and non-Yugo variants. has everything needed to win the game (magazine and both rods) for about 49 bucks.   Phh...I don't like this game very much. Anyone know of an American made magazine that will for sure hold the bolt open after the last shot?


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10 or less rule and Tapco T6?
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2006, 08:23:16 AM »
Sniper, some Norinco SKS were originally imported with a bayonet, some not or at least were not allowed to leave the import impoundment area with that bayonet attached. However, the one in question is being modified differently from the way it was legally imported. It will no longer be considered an "imported" SKS but a US manufactured.

Well, only if he does the 10 or less game, of course.  And if he does, then import restrictions no longer apply.  And there are no restrictions on bayonets on  US made rifles that I'm aware of, either in federal law or Texas law.  It's simply not an issue on US made rifles.

I may be wrong, but I believe there is a possibility it loses its imported status with the Federal protection granted that bayonet. Additionally, I know of no sporting event that might occur at the shooting range that includes the use of a bayonet. Thus, Texas may not agree one can attach a bayonet onto a US made rifle.

But again, there are no restrictions on bayonets in Texas.  The only issue here is whether it's considered a "knife" that would be over the legal length.  And since it's attached to a rifle and does not have the ability to be quickly removed and used by itself (unlike a typical rifle bayonet), I don't see how it could be classified as a knife.  It is simply a blade that is part of the rifle.  One doesn't need to prove there is a "sporting purpose" for a permanently mounted bayonet on a US made rifle any more than one would need to prove "sporting purpose" for any other feature.  

I guess what I'm saying is that if the 10-or-less game is won, the rifle becomes legal to possess with such evil features.  The folding bayonet is a part of the rifle, not a separate knife.  As long as it remains attached to the rifle, I simply don't see how it could possibly be classified as an illegal knife, and therefore is not an issue.

I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on television.  Just trying to apply common sense to it (which can be dangerous, I admit).  But I'e never heard of anyone in Texas getting in trouble for an SKS bayonet or being charged with an "illegal knife".


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10 or less rule and Tapco T6?
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2006, 12:22:55 AM »
Ok guys, little update for you....I now have my new US made gas piston and operationg rod installed. I just need the magazine and I'm good to go. I'm not aware of and US made permenantly fixed mags, so how do the duckbills classify? I need to know if these are considered detachable or fixed by the BATF, because I allready have a pistol grip and telescoping stock, detachable mags are aparently a no-no. Also, anyone know of any duckbills that will hold the bolt open on the last shot?


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10 or less rule and Tapco T6?
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2006, 10:58:43 AM »
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10 or less rule and Tapco T6?
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2006, 01:51:40 PM »
Any USA manufactured magazine will do, whether fixed or removeable.  SKSman has a 40 round duck bill that is stampted "Made in the USA" for $40 or so.
