Author Topic: 20 rd mags  (Read 2177 times)

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20 rd mags
« on: August 20, 2006, 08:55:43 PM »
I know this is an SKS sit, but I need a legal question aswered fro me. I have a stock .308 Saiga. There is a 20 rd. mag being built and some are saying that in order to use the 20rd mag I would need to change one item on my gun to be 922 legal. Some are saying just change th piston out for a US made I would be able to use the 20rd. Qusetion is, is this true and 2nd what happens when i want to usethe fact. 8 rd mag.?


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20 rd mags
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2006, 04:06:47 PM »
You seem to be referring to FBMG's 20-round aftermarket mags being talked about on . . . Yes, IMHO you will need to swap at least one imported part before you can legally use these mags.  However, .GOV could decide that you need to swap four (4) parts before you can legally use them and still own imported mags.  We won't know for sure until someone writes ATF and asks for a determination.

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