OK, so I got a screaming deal on a yugo that has been beat to $*** by a buddy of mine because he's moving and can't take it where he's going,.... ($80, yup, thats a screaming deal around here!

Rather than carve up my pristine Yugo, I think I'll use this one since it's banged up and hacked on already,.. so the question is of course, legal or not.
Present condition;
70% bluing remaining.
Teeth marks on barrel and GL (presumably from pliers or some other large force applying apparatus).
Gouges and stains in wood.
Gouges (small but visible) in the metal around the barrel and receiver.
No night sights (but with holes and mounts for them).
No bayonet but with lug with grind marks around the screw hole.
No sling.
All matching parts #'s except for the stock.
What I want to do;
Remove GL and shorten barrel.
Add Mojo rear sight.
Add Tapco 20 rounder.
Replace sling.
Basically finish off the "removal of 'evil features' and shorten the overall length a touch.
I am pretty confident that removing all 'evil features' will be legal with a fixed 10 round mag without playing 10 or less but,...
a) Do I need to remove the bayo lug or just leave the bayo off (not that it came with one to put on, but bayo's are cheap)
b) If adding a 20 rounder, is it possible to win the '10 parts' game without changing the stock.
c) Does a Yugo without 'evil features' have 15 or 14 parts?
d) Do I need to replace 4 or 5 parts to win the game?
Obviously this rifle will never see a shooting range or light of day until I am sure I am legal. Right now I have it torn apart for clean up and stock refinishing,... looks like he tried to use it as a hammer or lever on something,... anyway, if LES or someone knowledgeable would chime in here I would appreciate it.
I would like to make this one into my all around 'scout' rifle. 20 rounders are not necessary but I would like to have a couple if I can legally do so.