The rules were spread over three or four posts. They have been consolidated into one post for readability.
First off, and before posting anywhere, ALL NEW MEMBERS ARE REQUIRED TO POST AN INTRODUCTION IN THE NEW MEMBER INTRODUCTION FORUM; First posts minus an intro will be deleted, so please, post the intro; no tech questions etc, simply a "Hi, I'm so and so from wherever, "type of an introduction; We are a Board of gentlemen, and we observe some civilities and customs that other boards may not, but we believe that makes us a nicer , more hospitable group; Now, to the nuts and bolts of the what you can, and can't do's......
1. No flaming
2. No name calling
3. No trolls
4. Try to stay on topic, don't hijack another's thread
5. No profanity and this also includes the weak attempts at getting around the censors, repeated attempts at that will result in account suspension. We have the filters in place for a reason, We want this to be the kind of board you can sit and read with your child on your lap.
6. If you can't say it civilly, don't say it at all
7. Respect this board and the people that use it.
8. Don't feed the trolls.
9. No nudity unless allowed in a specific forum and then only as links with appropriate warnings (NOT WORK SAFE, ADULT, NUDITY, etc.)
10. No Whining except in the RANTS forum.
11. If the topic doesn't pertain to religion, leave it out of it. No preaching. If the title of the thread doesn't indicate that it is a religious thread then ANY post bringing religion into the thread is a violation.
12. No shilling.
13. Avatars and sig lines are not to be animated. Signature lines should be a maximum of about 90 pixels high and 350 pixels wide and not cause scrolling. No website links or advertising in sig line or avatar unless you are a business member; If you wish to advertise your business or website, please see the post below regarding business members.
14. Only one account per person multiple accounts will be deleted.
15: No discussion of FA conversion to firearms OR ANY OTHER ILLEGAL ACTIVITY. Know the law or ask before posting.
16: Keep the content appropriate. Sexually explicit, gross, disgusting, profane, overly immature, or vulgar posts will be deleted.
17: This site is intended for adults over the age of 18 who own firearms, primarily the SKS and AK.
18: No racial, religious or ethnic slurs or mean-spirited posts.
19: No posting simply to increase post count.
20. Any discussion, in particular those regarding religion and politics, that becomes anything less than objective and polite will be summarily deleted.
These rules are inviolable. Moderators need not give warnings for violations and may suspend accounts immediately without comment. Moderators have no restrictions on their authority to delete posts and entire threads or to move them into a secure area. Further, they have the unrestricted authority to suspend accounts for any reason, including continued posting that is simply not appropriate to the boards. Moderators are chosen for their superb judgment and that judgment is to be considered final by all members.
Thank you for your cooperation, Survivor
[Note that these rules were updated by the Mod Squad on July 16, 2007 in order to consolidate multiple posts.]
Added Declaration Concerning the Posting of , or viewing of Items For Sale and the Classified Section
Due to the recent outbreak of '10 post spammers' joining and posting to fullfill a minimum of 10 post for the sole purpose of posting items for sale here at Survivors SKS Forum in the Classified Section it is with much regret that the Moderators and Administrators must change this minimum post count to rather reflect on Member Groups.
The fact is that many of the 10 post wonders have attributed to a heightened level of anxiety among both the members and staff. Further, these boards were never intended to be a place for commerce in firearms. There are excellent sites for such things, including Guns America and Gunbroker. The Buy/Sell forums are intended to be a convenience for established members to buy and sell firearms between themselves, NOT for the "general public" to register in order to have yet another place to sell firearms.
Posted below is what is called Member Groups. As members gain status up the ladder their Member Group changes which allow them to view and then post in the Classified Section.
Member Groups
Newbie = Invisible
Plinker = Invisible
Shooter = Invisible
Marksman = Read and Post
Expert and above = Full Access
Posting items for sale OR as a "want to buy" ANYWHERE by those that have not achieved the status level allowing them to post in the area known as The Classified Section on the boards will not be tolerated and the post will immediately be removed.Additionally, for a number of reasons, we do permit "group buys" here as a matter of policy.
The excuse of not having knowledge of this rule is No Excuseand at the discretion of the staff the member that originated the post will either be warned or have their account suspended.
The Survivors SKS Forum Staff