Norinco, Wolff power pack, AIM sear.
Sear fitting: New sear, new springs. No function-y trigger!!!
Now I knew I'd be doing some fitting, so I'm not that daunted, but I figgered it's best to be thorough. My problem's with the rebound disconnector pushing the trigger bar too far downward. Methinks the sear's slightly taller? Yep, a quick comparison w/ the old sear confirms it.
Now, rather than start shinin' the sear's top surface, the hammer engagement surface, and doubtless blowing the angle all to hell, I'm figgerin' on adjusting the sear's position on the Y axis by hitting the top surface of the rail slot on the sear, allowing the sear to ride lower in the trigger action. Shouldn't affect my engagement with the trigger bar, should it?
Am I on the right track or am I on the right track? Seems like this should be done before adjusting for creep.