Author Topic: **QUESTION on the new Assault Weapon Bill** That will probably come up soon.  (Read 2334 times)

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  • SKS Marksman
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Does anyone have the text of the new proposed AWP bill that will probably be enacted soon. Is there still a , "Grandfathers Clause" in it for those that have them already before the ban?? Just ondering????
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I bought my Hk clone from a deceased friend that built it from a kit after the ban expired,but don't have the paperwork to prove it for future reference. Here's what I did to fix that,I took it to a pawn shop that I frequent and put it on pawn for a day or so for like $50. The owner takes a timestamped and computer stored pic of the customer(me)holding the gun when he takes it in,for legal reasons. I've seen this at other shops lately as well. When I went back to get it,I have both a copy of my pawn ticket with the gun's  ser# AND as a favor he burned me off a copy of the pic. So now I can HOPE this puts me in the grandfather club. There's also a Constitutional thing called ex post facto that means when a new law is enacted making something a crime,the fact you committed this act BEFORE the passing is non prosecutable. Not sure how a renewed AWB falls under this one though,sux when our Constitution is rewritten w/out our expressed permission... :evil:


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At this point, most are assuming that a future AWB will look like the 1994 AWB.  However, that is only an assumption.

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  • SKS Shooter
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It was introduced june of this year.  it is still it the introduction phase.  the way I read it, it does have a grandfather clause.
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This is H.R.10/22 right? I heard this one was permanent and doesnt have the 10 year experation date. Just incase im stocking up on ak mags from Tapco. If I get the cash Im gonna get a nice flat top Semi auto m4 and a holographich reflex scope from duhnams (They got a realy nice one there.)

Maybe they will realize that since the last ban didnt have ANY positive effects against crime and such they will vote against it. Probably wont happen but we will see. Just because Obama is president doesnt mean its gonna happen, has to go through the house and such to see what happens. I say this mainly because not all Dems are antigun, just like how not all Reps are progun. ITs gonna be interesting, I guess the best thing to do is stock up on everything and hope it doesnt happen.
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No matter what it is the next Administration can do away with it.
I am willing tom bet that it will be one of Their Campaign Promises.


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Maybe they will realize that since the last ban didnt have ANY positive effects against crime and such they will vote against it. Probably wont happen but we will see. Just because Obama is president doesnt mean its gonna happen, has to go through the house and such to see what happens. I say this mainly because not all Dems are antigun, just like how not all Reps are progun. ITs gonna be interesting, I guess the best thing to do is stock up on everything and hope it doesnt happen.

Now that is funny,  :lol: :lol:


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Maybe they will realize that since the last ban didnt have ANY positive effects against crime and such they will vote against it.

IIRC LEO's are eager to get the 1994 AWB reinstated.  So whether or not there was a measurable effect on crime may be somewhat irrelevant -- politicians don't want to be seen as "soft on crime".

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts."--Bertrand Russell

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There is a thread on that website and members are already signing up.