Author Topic: One shot, then nothing... can you help?  (Read 4071 times)

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One shot, then nothing... can you help?
« on: March 06, 2011, 10:29:14 PM »
Oops, posted this in the Chinese area then found out this may be the type of work for you!  I just bought a used 1967 Chinese Arsenal 26.  Everyone on the range (with some SKS folks) thought it looked in great condition and were very impressed with the cleanliness.  I took it all apart, except for the trigger assemebly and spend some good time on it.

No mods to the rifle, except the bolt serial number is FAR different than the rest of the rifle.

Here is what happens.  You load 10 rounds.  Let the bolt go forward and it cleanly loads the round.  Safety works great.  Trigger pull feels to good to me.  Squeeze the trigger and the round fires.  Brass is ejected, and a new round loads nicely.  Then I goto pull the trigger again and.... nothing.  The trigger feels "dead" and not engaged at all.  I can slightly pull the bolt back and either, reload the same round, eject that round and load the next one... and then pull the trigger... it fires, brass ejects, new round is loaded... dead trigger AGAIN.  Tried different ammo.  Looked all over for dirt, crud, cosmoline.  One of the SKS guys on the range completely took it apart and feels that the bolt in semi-auto is pressing down on the ???? (release, level? whatever connects to the trigger) too far.  He showed me where if this item wasnt pressed far enough it wouldnt engage, and if to far it wouldnt.  You have to be somewhere in the middle.. so, does this sound like a job for you?  He said a few hits with a metal file may do it, but I dont want to mess this up.


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Re: One shot, then nothing... can you help?
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2011, 03:20:43 PM »
If your problem is trigger related, Kivaari  can help. Go to his site download the order form then send it in with your trigger group.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 06:08:12 PM by MakarovingCharges »
Well, it's official. All three of the branches of the Federal Government are using the constitution as if it were TP. RIP Freedom and freewill the old republic has been replaced by a very potent kleptocracy. We're getting what we deserve, I guess.


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Re: One shot, then nothing... can you help?
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2011, 06:28:03 PM »
Just got off the phone with Kivaari ... VERY HELPFUL.  While I had a hard time naming the parts correctly he managed to drag the problem out me :)  Packing up now and sending out tomorrow.


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Re: One shot, then nothing... can you help?
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2011, 05:31:28 PM »
If your problem is trigger related, Kivaari  can help. Go to his site download the order form then send it in with your trigger group.

To save starting a new thread, I'm having similar issues, except I've not had ammo in mine. I can rack the bolt and the trigger might fire every 20th time. Do I just send my trigger and Kivaari magically knows what to do or is there a place on the form to explain the issue?
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Re: One shot, then nothing... can you help?
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2011, 10:12:00 PM »

No mods to the rifle, except the bolt serial number is FAR different than the rest of the rifle.

Yer gonna want to have a gunsmith check the head spacing on that gun. Seeing as the bolt is mismatched from the gun you may have some issues with head spacing. Worst case scenario, your face gets blown off. I'm not trying to scare you or anything...but get it checked.
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Re: One shot, then nothing... can you help?
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2011, 09:40:27 PM »
What you do is remove the rifle from the furniture. you may also want to remove the recoil spring to make it easier.

With the rifle surely empty of ammo, reattach the trigger group to the receiver void of furniture. Cycle the action and observe through the little opening on the left side of the trigger group. You'll see the trigger bar moving forward and probably slipping off the bottom of the sear.

A couple of trial and error passes with a file  on the top of the disconnector will shorten it enough for the trigger bar to make a good purchase on the front of the sear....

It's also possible the sear as poor angle there, the trigger bar is bent, etc. but usually it's a too-tall disconnector doing this.

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Re: One shot, then nothing... can you help?
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2011, 09:09:14 PM »
  Thank you all for helping me out!  I am still going to send the trigger group in to Kivaari... but I did manage to find a local gunsmith who figured out the issue.  I bought the rifle used at a local surplus store "as-is" and truely believe the seller had no idea there was a problem.  As I noted before, you load it, the first shot fires fine, the shell ejects, a new round is loaded (and the hammer did reset... all should have been fine) - but, you were never able to fire a second shot.  Ends out that some #@$@#$^&@ decided to file down the disconnector at the first bent after the portion that would be depressed by the bolt.  The guys that worked on it for me had me buy a $1.50 surplus disconnector and when it was replaced - bam, no problem.. smooth shooting from here on out.  It looks like the previous owner was trying (badly-as in a poor attempt) to go for full auto.  The gunsmith knew the seller and took the modified disconnector to him for show and tell.  They then had me confirm the serial number on the rifle so they could track back their records to see where they acquired the firearm... guess I am out of the woods on this one :)  I am just glad the "full auto" attempt was a raging failure and it didn't bite me at the local range.

  I have to wait a payday or two.. but that trigger group will be coming in!


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Re: One shot, then nothing... can you help?
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2011, 03:03:24 PM »
You'd be surprised what i see on trigger groups.....
quality and correctly engaging SKS trigger tune

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